Tidy Recipe Tooltip

Tidy Recipe Tooltip


If possible, put sell price in the bottommost line

LudiusMaximus opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Some feedback on this idea:
It's understandable to want this as all regular tooltips (and native recipe tooltips) have this as their last line of information, so that information is consistently in the same spot which makes it easier to digest. On the other hand, it might look weird or confusing if the tooltip was (again, as it is natively) split up like that where the crafted item info inserts itself in the middle of the tooltip without rhyme or reason.

Adding this as a toggleable option might be preferable, but another (or additional) solution could also be to add an option to remove the crafted item information entirely. I've personally modified your code to do exactly that (which is just commenting out lines 377-384) and that does look very tidy:

Anyway, this is just a little brainstorm, to give you an additional point of view in the hopes it helps give you some more ideas on this issue. Love the addon, it's underappreciated for sure!