TipTac Reborn

TipTac Reborn


[Feature request] Adding Inner Icon option

hobulian opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Hope there be Inner icon option for Tiptac

like below.

I'm using this feature by my self-edited code

local newitt = "|T"..icon..":"..(cfg.if_iconSize - 16).."|t ".._G[self:GetName().."TextLeft1"]:GetText();

but hope it will supported officially.


Seems like a good modifier option for "ItemRef->Show Icon Texture and Stack Count (when available)". I would like to add a dropdown menu for icon placement.


Seems like a good modifier option for "ItemRef->Show Icon Texture and Stack Count (when available)". I would like to add a dropdown menu for icon placement.

I couldn't applied this stuff to


Which doesn't have _G[self:GetName().."TextLeft1"] value but self.Name.

And also it has AbilityPetType mark inside so it's quite messy when with icons being inside tooltip.

I think it's needed that some other design for those frames or make those frames excluded from inner icon set.


In additions to that Icons on Item comparison tooltips are now not to be shown for some reason..

P.S I found it by adding
["ShoppingTooltip1"] = true,
["ShoppingTooltip2"] = true,
["ItemRefShoppingTooltip1"] = true,
["ItemRefShoppingTooltip2"] = true,
to tipsToAddIcon table


Funny: I never noticed that because option "Show icons next to tooltips" in addon Pawn was checked and it adds the missing icons itself. ๐Ÿ˜…

Thanks for pointing this out. Added my changes to main-branch.