TipTac Reborn

TipTac Reborn


Not sure if my issue is with TipTac or not

bubfeeld opened this issue ยท 8 comments


13x ...ns/Ara_Broker_Reputations/Ara_Broker_Reputations.lua:616: attempt to call method 'SetGradientAlpha' (a nil value)
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Ara_Broker_Reputations/Ara_Broker_Reputations.lua"]:616: in function <...ns/Ara_Broker_Reputations/Ara_Broker_Reputations.lua:596>
[string "@Interface/AddOns/Ara_Broker_Reputations/Ara_Broker_Reputations.lua"]:644: in function `OnEnter'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/ChocolateBar/Chocolate.lua"]:266: in function <Interface/AddOns/ChocolateBar/Chocolate.lua:235>

cfg =

fontFace = "VuhDo\Fonts\ariblk.ttf"
classification_elite = "Level %s|cffffcc00 Elite"
iconFaction = true
overrideFade = true
tipBackdropEdge = "Tooltips\UI-Tooltip-Border"
optionsLeft = 141.578949
backdropEdgeSize = 16
reactText = true
showTarget = "last"
powerBar = false
anchorFrameUnitPoint = "CENTER"
tipColor =
hideDefaultBar = false
healthBar = false
colRace = "|cffddeeaa"
showDebuffs = false
classification_normal = "Level %s"
colLevel = "|cffffcc00"
classification_minus = "-%s "
fontSize = 16
classification_rare = "Level %s|cffff66ff Rare"
fontSizeDeltaHeader = 2
showBuffs = false
left = 1314.340332
reactColoredBackdrop = true
anchorWorldUnitPoint = "CENTER"
classification_trivial = "~%s "
backdropInsets = 4
modifyFonts = true
classification_worldboss = "Level %s|cffff0000 Boss"
tipBorderColor =
anchorWorldTipPoint = "CENTER"
manaBar = false
iconClass = true
classification_rareelite = "Level %s|cffffaaff Rare Elite"
optionsBottom = 335.500000
fadeTime = 0.784819
targetYouText = "<>"
iconSize = 26.472673
top = 638.181274
preFadeTime = 0.784819
barFontFace = "Fonts\FRIZQT__.TTF"
fontSizeDeltaSmall = -2
fontFlags = "THICKOUTLINE"
barFontSize = 12
anchorFrameTipPoint = "CENTER"
tipBackdropBG = "Tooltips\UI-Tooltip-Background"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = Texture {
0 =
(*temporary) = "VERTICAL"
(*temporary) = 0
(*temporary) = 0
(*temporary) = 0
(*temporary) = 0
(*temporary) = 0.800000
(*temporary) = 0.800000
(*temporary) = 0.800000
(*temporary) = 0.200000
(*temporary) = "attempt to call method 'SetGradientAlpha' (a nil value)"
tiptacBG =
bgFile = "Tooltips\UI-Tooltip-Background"
tile = false
edgeSize = 16
edgeFile = "Tooltips\UI-Tooltip-Border"
insets =

[i left out part of the error message with my characters names and such]

f = AraReputation {
0 =
Center = Texture {
TopLeftCorner = Texture {
onBlock = true
PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD = defined @Interface/AddOns/Ara_Broker_Reputations/Ara_Broker_Reputations.lua:1071
OnBackdropLoaded = defined @Interface/SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:152
AddModule = defined @Interface/AddOns/Ara_Broker_Reputations/Ara_Broker_Reputations.l

If I disable Tiptac, my reputations display normally on the dropdown when i mouseover them on my bar.

Hmm....I did some digging and found if i turned off the 'show gradient tooltips' under backdrop options, Arabroker Rep works.

So im guessing this is an error/conflict with that addon and not TIptac really then?


Yes, it's a problem within addon Ara_Broker_Reputations. The texture function SetGradientAlpha() has been removed in df. TipTac uses a gradient for it's tooltips, too. To fix this for df I replaced calling the function SetGradientAlpha() with a gradient texture, see here:


Lines 634 to 640 in 266401b

g = tip:CreateTexture();
-- g:SetColorTexture(1, 1, 1, 1); -- SetGradientAlpha() removed since df
tip.ttGradient = g;
-- g:SetGradientAlpha("VERTICAL", 0, 0, 0, 0, unpack(cfg.gradientColor)); -- SetGradientAlpha() removed since df

This modification will be included in the next release of TipTac. The authors from Ara_Broker_Reputations have to do the same.


yah sadly i dont think anyone is still working on Ara Broker Reputations anymore, but who knows ,lol!! thanks for your work!!


Ara_Broker_Reputations is currently under development. The latest version is from Oct 28 this year, and on github @Ookami313 created a bug already: AraBroker/Ara_Broker_Reputations#1


, oh I was thinking of Chocolate Bar i think ,lol, with your guidance i did some tinkering and seem to have to solved it though. you are awesome sir!


Seems good to me. Later only the texture (Interface\AddOns\TipTac\media\gradient.tga) has to be included into Ara_Broker_Reputations and the path has to be changed accordingly. ๐Ÿ™‚


yah my expertise is VERY limited, i can copy paste fixes and figure out very simple things, but definitely not long term stuff.
Luckily in this case, someone is still actually working on that mod, so im sure they will come up with something more elegant,
thanks again!


Seems good to me. Later only the texture (Interface\AddOns\TipTac\media\gradient.tga) has to be included into Ara_Broker_Reputations and the path has to be changed accordingly. ๐Ÿ™‚

I'm the maintainer of Ara, I actually don't really use TipTac, so I never caught this error. That code has been there since I took over. From what I see, I need to call this now: Interface\AddOns\TipTac\media\gradient, but you're saying I need to change this later to Interface\AddOns\TipTac\media\gradient.tga.

Is that after a TipTac update?


I have taken a look into your commit. Because of reading TipTac's config to set the backdrop/gradient it would be ok to use texture [[Interface\AddOns\TipTac\media\gradient]] from TipTac too. But my fix including the TipTac's gradient texture is currently only available in the main branch and will be included soon in the next release.

But taken over the gradient texture to your addon is fine, too.