TipTac Reborn

TipTac Reborn


Hostile target Tooltip fadeout issue

itsSinba opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Describe the bug
The fade out settings do not work when targeting a hostile NPC. It takes about 3 seconds for the fade out to occur, regardless of the parameters in the Fadeout Time settings.

There's this "newish" tooltip behavior in the game client with targeting hostile NPC. It shows the tooltip right when targeting a hostile npc through, without hovering the cursor over it. This is where this "issue" comes from. A hostile NPC seems to have its own/new fadeout function. It'll probably need Tiptac to add it, as the Fadeout time settings do not overwrite it at the moment.

I haven't looked into it but I can probably help if you need it

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Enable Override Default GameTooltip fade for Units
  2. Set Fade out to default 0.1 or 0.05
  3. Target a hostile NPC by tabbing or clicking
  4. Move cursor away and watch the fade out time

Expected behavior
The fadeout time should be of 0.1 or 0.05, depending on the settings set

TipTac Reborn (please complete the following information):

WoW (please complete the following information):

  • Flavor: Retail
  • Version 10.1.0

Unfortunately I can't reproduce this on my side. I activated the automatic targetting of enemies in sight but there doesn't pop up a tooltip if the game autotargets a hostile NPC. The tooltip only appears if I hover over the unit or unitframe with correct fading times.

Am I missing a interface setting or somehting else?


You haven't, it's on me. It's not a bug.. it took me some time to find it but I had this "newish" feature enabled under Accessibility > General

It's a decent feature but could actually be annoying if the tooltip is anchored to the mouse, as it pops up whenever switching targets and has a slow fadeout (about 3 seconds) and Tiptac's fadeout timer doesn't affect this feature. Maybe something to considering adding at some point ?

Thanks for your work and keeping the addon working. Cheers


I finally has been able to reproduce this. If this accessibility feature is enabled, the function GameTooltip:FadeOut() won't be triggered when the fading of the tooltip begins. I wasn't been able to find out the corresponding function to listen to yet.


Interesting. I think that it shares the same function as tooltips of braziers/fires. Mouse over a fire will have the same 3-second-ish fadeout time. I'll see if I can help find it


I further analyzed the OnShow, OnTooltipCleared and OnHide event for this accessibility feature. Indeed there's no function to hook to override the fading times. It seems that it's an internal GameTooltip thing.

Regarding the fire: In this case the function GameTooltip:FadeOut() will be called. Hooking this function for non-unit tooltips has been missing in TipTac. This will be included in the next release.