TipTac Reborn

TipTac Reborn


Lua errors when clicking on icon by minimap

samfschulman opened this issue ยท 4 comments


Describe the bug

The following Lua error appears, though the options dialog still comes up as well.

Message: ...rface/AddOns/TipTacOptions/libs/AzOptionsFactory.lua:263: bad argument #1 to 'SetEnabled' (Usage: self:SetEnabled(enabled))
Time: Fri May 17 18:14:29 2024
Count: 5
Stack: ...rface/AddOns/TipTacOptions/libs/AzOptionsFactory.lua:263: bad argument #1 to 'SetEnabled' (Usage: self:SetEnabled(enabled))
[string "=[C]"]: in function `SetEnabled'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/TipTacOptions/libs/AzOptionsFactory.lua"]:263: in function `Init'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/TipTacOptions/libs/AzOptionsFactory.lua"]:155: in function `BuildOptionsPage'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/TipTacOptions/ttOptions.lua"]:1035: in function `BuildCategoryPage'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/TipTacOptions/ttOptions.lua"]:636: in function <Interface/AddOns/TipTacOptions/ttOptions.lua:636>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `SetShown'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/TipTac/ttCore.lua"]:1045: in function `ToggleOptions'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/TipTac/ttCore.lua"]:1181: in function `OnClick'
[string "@Interface/AddOns/BigWigs/Libs/LibDBIcon-1.0/LibDBIcon-1.0.lua"]:170: in function <.../AddOns/BigWigs/Libs/LibDBIcon-1.0/LibDBIcon-1.0.lua:168>

Locals: (*temporary) = AzOptionsFactorySlider1 {
 0 = <userdata>
 Center = Texture {
 BottomRightCorner = Texture {
 SetBorderBlendMode = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:266
 High = AzOptionsFactorySlider1High {
 OnBackdropLoaded = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:152
 BottomEdge = Texture {
 backdropInfo = <table> {
 GetBackdropColor = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:390
 SetupTextureCoordinates = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:214
 OnBackdropSizeChanged = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:182
 HasBackdropInfo = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:278
 SetBackdropBorderColor = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:422
 RightEdge = Texture {
 BottomLeftCorner = Texture {
 TopRightCorner = Texture {
 GetEdgeSize = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:188
 NineSlice = Frame {
 TopLeftCorner = Texture {
 TopEdge = Texture {
 Text = AzOptionsFactorySlider1Text {
 SetBackdrop = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:329
 ClearBackdrop = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:282
 Low = AzOptionsFactorySlider1Low {
 GetBackdropBorderColor = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:409
 GetBackdrop = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:347
 Thumb = AzOptionsFactorySlider1Thumb {
 SetupPieceVisuals = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:246
 SetBackdropColor = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:399
 LeftEdge = Texture {
 ApplyBackdrop = <function> defined @Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_SharedXML/Backdrop.lua:294
(*temporary) = nil

Steps to Reproduce

Click on the TipTac icon which appears beside the minimap

Expected behavior

No response

Additional context

No response

Version of TipTac Reborn


Flavor/Version of WoW



Yeah, I do have SexyMap to get the square minimap. Didn't occur to me that might be the problem, I figured it'd be a load issue with the options dialog. This hasn't been happening today. UI taint issue? I don't know exactly what kinds of havoc those can cause. Anyway, seems to be a customer-side problem actually.


Do you have a special minimap addon? Unfortunately I can't reproduce this on my side.

Interestingly the mentioned faulty SetEnabled() in the error message is the call for the slider element. One line further the call of SetEnabled() for slider's editbox seems to work properly.


You can reproduce this. Based on TipTac-v24.05.18-release, before connecting to WoW, change the value of barEnableTipMinimumWidth = true to false in line 190 of the ttCore.lua file and delete the WTF\Account"Your Account"\SavedVariables\Tiptac.toc file. . Then when I open WoW and open "Bars" in the options, I get the same error. Probably, if the value 'barEnableTipMinimumWidth = false' is entered in the Tiptac.toc file, an error will not occur, but it seems to be an error that occurs because it is not created at all.


@kwonjt2001: With this additional hint I have been able to reproduce this issue. This has been a tricky one and the fix will be included in the next release. ๐Ÿ™‚