TipTac Reborn

TipTac Reborn


Needs to update to new GetMouseFocus API

WanderingFox opened this issue · 1 comments


Describe the bug

77x TipTac/ttCore.lua:2777: attempt to call global 'GetMouseFocus' (a nil value)
[string "@TipTac/ttCore.lua"]:2777: in function `GetAnchorPosition'
[string "@TipTac/ttCore.lua"]:2903: in function `?'
[string "@TipTac/libs/LibFroznFunctions-1.0-24/LibFroznFunctions-1.0.lua"]:1175: in function `FireGroupEvent'
[string "@TipTac/ttCore.lua"]:1736: in function `SetCurrentDisplayParams'
[string "@TipTac/ttCore.lua"]:1621: in function <TipTac/ttCore.lua:1620>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "=[C]"]: in function `Show'
[string "@Blizzard_Settings_Shared/Blizzard_SettingControls.lua"]:38: in function <...lizzard_Settings_Shared/Blizzard_SettingControls.lua:26>

self = TipTac {
 RightEdge = Texture {
 TopEdge = Texture {
 BottomRightCorner = Texture {
 LeftEdge = Texture {
 BottomEdge = Texture {
 BottomLeftCorner = Texture {
 text = FontString {
 close = Button {
 TopLeftCorner = Texture {
 Center = Texture {
 backdropInfo = <table> {
 TopRightCorner = Texture {
tip = SettingsTooltip {
 textLeft1Font = "GameTooltipHeaderText"
 RightEdge = Texture {
 TextRight1 = SettingsTooltipTextRight1 {
 TopOverlay = Texture {
 BottomLeftCorner = Texture {
 TextLeft1 = SettingsTooltipTextLeft1 {
 Center = Texture {
 textRight2Font = "GameTooltipText"
 BottomOverlay = Texture {
 BottomEdge = Texture {
 textRight1Font = "GameTooltipHeaderText"
 BottomRightCorner = Texture {
 NineSlice = Frame {
 textLeft2Font = "GameTooltipText"
 TopEdge = Texture {
 TextRight2 = SettingsTooltipTextRight2 {
 TextLeft2 = SettingsTooltipTextLeft2 {
 TopRightCorner = Texture {
 TopLeftCorner = Texture {
 backdropInfo = <table> {
 LeftEdge = Texture {
frameParams = <table> {
 gradient = Texture {
 config = <table> {
 currentDisplayParams = <table> {
 frameName = "SettingsTooltip"
isUnit = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to call global 'GetMouseFocus' (a nil value)"
TT_CacheForFrames = <table> {
  = <table> {
  = <table> {
  = <table> {
  = <table> {
  = <table> {
  = <table> {
  = <table> {
  = <table> {
  = <table> {
  = <table> {
  = <table> {
  = <table> {
  = <table> {
  = <table> {
  = <table> {
  = <table> {
  = <table> {
  = <table> {
  = <table> {
  = <table> {
  = <table> {
  = <table> {
  = <table> {
  = <table> {
  = <table> {
  = <table> {
  = <table> {
  = <table> {
  = <table> {
  = <table> {
TT_TIP_CONTENT = <table> {
 unknownOnCleared = 8
 spell = 3
 item = 4
 aura = 2
 unknownOnShow = 7
 others = 6
 action = 5
 unit = 1
cfg = <table> {
 showUnitTip = true
 classification_elite = "+%s "
 barHeight = 10
 if_showCurrencyId = true
 showMount = false
 if_showKeystoneTimeLimit = false
 if_showAuraSpellIdAndRank = true
 anchorFrameUnitPoint = "BOTTOMRIGHT"
 if_flyoutColoredBorder = false
 barTexture = "Interface\AddOns\Forte_Core\Textures\Smooth"
 if_iconAnchor = "TOPLEFT"
 if_runeforgePowerColoredBorder = false
 if_transmogSetQualityBorder = false
 classification_rare = "%s|r (Rare) "
 left = 1442.000610
 t_talentFormat = 2
 colorGuild = <table> {
 hideAllTipsInCombat = true
 classification_trivial = "%s "
 if_petActionColoredBorder = false
 if_battlePetAbilityColoredBorder = false
 if_transmogIllusionColoredBorder = false
 if_showNpcId = false
 targetYouText = "<<YOU>>"
 if_conduitQualityBorder = false
 top = 628.999939
 if_transmogAppearanceItemQualityBorder = false
 showCurrentUnitSpeed = false
 if_currencyQualityBorder = false
 if_enable = true
 minimapConfig = <table> {
 if_achievmentColoredBorder = false
 anchorFrameTipPoint = "BOTTOMRIGHT"
 if_showSpellIdAndRank = true
 colorSameGuild = <table> {
 if_smartIcons = false
 showGuildRank = false
 showHiddenTipsOnShift = false
 if_iconOffsetX = -40
 if_auraSpellColoredBorder = false
 healthBar = false
 if_battlePetQualityBorder = false
 if_modifyKeystoneTips = false
 optionsBottom = 493.999542
 classification_normal = "%s "
 if_spellColoredBorder = false
 if_showItemId = true
 enableAuras = false
 if_showIcon = false
 if_showAuraCaster = true
 classification_minus = "%s"
 showDebuffs = false
 if_iconTooltipAnchor = "TOPLEFT"
 if_itemQualityBorder = false
 if_showKeystoneAffixInfo = false
 enableBars = false
 if_showItemLevelAndId = true
 colSameGuild = "|cff00ffff"
 colGuild = "|cff00ff00"
 showBuffs = false
 classColoredBorder = false
 colorNameByClass = true
 anchorWorldTipPoint = "BOTTOMRIGHT"
 classification_rareelite = "+%s|r (Rare) "
 anchorFrameTipType = "mouse"
 if_iconOffsetY = -1
 classification_worldboss = "%s|r (Boss) "
 iconAnchor = "TOPLEFT"
 anchorWorldUnitPoint = "BOTTOMRIGHT"
 showMountIcon = true
 showMinimapIcon = f

Addon should be using the new GetMouseFoci API instead

Steps to Reproduce

Load the addon, it crashes immediately and repeatedly

Expected behavior

It to not crash on load :)

Additional context

TY for maintaining this, it's by far and away my favorite tooltip addon :)

Version of TipTac Reborn


Flavor/Version of WoW

Latest Retail


Thanks for reporting this! 👍

Fixed with the latest release v24.07.25.

... and thanks for your kind words. I really appreciate this! ❤️