TipTac Reborn

TipTac Reborn


11.0 LUA error and wrong tooltip position

hollo6 opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Describe the bug

Getting the following LUA error on every login/reload and almost any tooltip related action:

3x TipTac/modules/ttAuras.lua:55: attempt to call method 'EnumerateInactive' (a nil value)
[string "@TipTac/modules/ttAuras.lua"]:55: in function ?' [string "@TipTac/libs/LibFroznFunctions-1.0-24/LibFroznFunctions-1.0.lua"]:1175: in function FireGroupEvent'
[string "@TipTac/ttCore.lua"]:1448: in function ApplyConfig' [string "@TipTac/ttCore.lua"]:1000: in function ?'
[string "@TipTac/ttCore.lua"]:1012: in function <TipTac/ttCore.lua:1011>

self =

aurasPool =
TT_CacheForFrames =
cfg =
nameType = "title"
hideSpecializationAndClassText = true
classification_elite = "+%s "
barHeight = 6
if_showExpansionName = true
aurasAtBottom = true
backdropEdgeSize = 16
hideFactionText = true
powerBar = false
anchorFrameUnitPoint = "TOPLEFT"
enableColorName = true
barTexture = "Interface\AddOns\ShadowedUnitFrames\media\textures\Aluminium"
healthBarClassColor = true
t_showTalentText = true
barFontFlags = "OUTLINE"
classification_rare = "%s|r (Rare) "
colorGuildByReaction = true
barsCondenseValues = true
optionsBottom = 332.000092
t_talentFormat = 2
reactColoredBackdrop = false
classification_trivial = "~%s "
showBattlePetTip = false
manaBar = false
gradientColor =
minimapConfig =
anchorFrameUnitType = "normal"
fadeTime = 0.100000
targetYouText = "<>"
tipBorderColor =
showGuildRank = true
fontFace = "Interface\Addons\SharedMediaAdditionalFonts\fonts\calibri.ttf"
barFontFace = "Fonts\ARIALN.TTF"
if_showQuestLevelAndId = true
fontSizeDelta = 2
barFontSize = 11
colorReactText8 =
showGuild = true
hideWorldTips = false
gttScale = 0.950000
colRace = "|cffffffff"
modifyFonts = true
t_showTalentIcon = true
healthBar = true
overrideFade = true
colorReactText7 =
preFadeTime = 0.100000
optionsLeft = 777.999817
reactIcon = false
reactText = false
showTarget = "last"
mouseOffsetY = 10
classColoredBorder = true
t_showAverageItemLevel = true
tipColor =
hideDefaultBar = true
mouseOffsetX = 5
healthBarText = "full"
colLevel = "|cffc0c0c0"
colorNameByClass = true
classification_normal = "%s "
if_showMountId = true
anchorOverrideCFPoint = "BOTTOMRIGHT"
anchorWorldTipPoint = "BOTTOMLEFT"
reactColoredBorder = false
if_showAuraCaster = true
factionText = false
t_showRoleIcon = true
top = 1019.999878
t_enable = true
fontSize = 11
enableBars = true
anchorWorldTipType = "mouse"
anchorFrameTipType = "mouse"
fontSizeDeltaHeader = 1
showBuffs = true
gradientTip = true
left = 245.000061
colSameGuild = "|cffff32ff"
auraSize = 12
anchorWorldUnitPoint = "TOPLEFT"
if_showItemLevelAndId = false
classification_worldboss = "%s|r (Boss) "
fontFlags = ""
showPlayerGender = true
classification_minus = "-%s "
showMinimapIcon = false
if_iconSize = 27
colorNameByReaction = true
classification_rareelite = "+%s|r (Rare) "
anchorWorldUnitType = "normal"
healthBarColor =
if_showSpellIdAndRank = true
if_showItemLevel = false
t_showTalents = true
colorReactText10 =
if_showItemId = true
mythicPlusDungeonScoreFormat = "both"
colorReactText9 =
if_showAuraSpellIdAndRank = true
anchorFrameTipPoint = "BOTTOMLEFT"
enableColorFaction = false
TT_ExtendedConfig =
tipBackdrop =
tipsToModify =
customClassColors =
oldGameTooltipTextSmall =
backdropBorderColor =
defaultAnchorType = "normal"
tipPaddingForGameTooltip =
oldGameTooltipText =
oldGameTooltipFontsRemembered = true
defaultAnchorPoint = "BOTTOMRIGHT"
backdropColor =
oldGameTooltipHeaderText =
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) =
(*temporary) = "attempt to call method 'EnumerateInactive' (a nil value)"

Also, all the tooltips moved to a random position on the right edge of the screen instead of where they should be.
I have checked the anchor settings on the GUI and also in WTF and they seem to be right, yet all the tooltips are being displayed on the right edge.

Steps to Reproduce

No response

Expected behavior

No response

Additional context

No response

Version of TipTac Reborn


Flavor/Version of WoW



I just commented all the calls in all modules that used this function and I'm no longer getting the LUA errors and the tooltips have returned to their intended places, but I have no idea what I just broke. Nothing stands out so far.


Thanks for reporting this! ๐Ÿ‘

Fixed with the latest release v24.07.25.