TipTac Reborn

TipTac Reborn


[Feature request] Separate option for Colored Border/ID of transmog collection items and sets

hobulian opened this issue ยท 13 comments


Like Transmog Illusions have now. For those who just want item ids but not transmog collection items or sets.


Transmog illusions have their own settings, because they aren't items or spells. But transmog items or sets are all some kind of "item". I think it's better here not to generate too many options.


I suggest this cuz tips with icon and id sometimes hindering to see what's transmog items or set look like. So hope there just be linktype for "collection" at least. Maybe for auras also linktype for "aura".


What i meant was not separate LinkTypeFuncs for them but just assign their linktype as "collection" or "aura". Still they can use item or spell linktypefunc but if they are classified as other linktype category, It is able to easily set their options by adding some conditions(like linktype ~= "aura") in same LinkTypeFuncs that tiptac has now.


The LinkTypeFuncs:xxx functions represent the different linktypes in the chatlink. Transmog collection items and other items are currently handled by their corresponding link-function (LinkTypeFuncs:item). Same for auras: Auras are spells, therefore they aren't currently handled separately from spells (LinkTypeFuncs:spell).

I would be rather uncomfortable splitting this up at the moment, as it would then no longer be consistent with the rest of the functions.


I have taken a look at this: As it seems I think I can implement different settings for auras and transmog items/sets relatively uncomplicated. I will try to finish it this weekend.


Looks much better i think.
I know there is smart icon appearance function in tiptac but do you have any plan for separate icon show/hide options for various categories(item/spell/aura/transmog set/etc)?


According to this, you would actually have to split the options...

  • Show Icon Texture and Stack Count
  • Smart Icon Appearance
  • Borderless Icons
  • Icon Size

... per linktype to have every individual option available. Seems a little bit like overkill. One solution would be to leave the last two options standalone, and make available the first two options for every linktype. Or perhaps only the first option for every linktype. That would probably be best.


I splitted options for auras from spells and transmog items and sets from items (committed to main-branch) . What do you think?

  • Yeah. What i meant was first option for every linktype. That's all. Having all of those 4 is too much overkill.

  • In addition to this, can you add some options for
    flyout, petaction, battlePetAbility, mawpower, spell deafult border?
    It's now FF71D5FF, But I think it's better adding some color option for those stuffs like Info color.

You have added some labels to github. That's great i think.

  • Fonud categorizing aura/spell by having source is not that accurate sometimes.
    Some auras really doesn't have sources..
    In screenshot i customized for auras not having icons shown.
    You can easily reproduce this with Necrolord DH. Demon from covenant ability apllies fixation debuff to player and when demon's nameplate is not in sight, caster info is gone and it's classified as spell, not aura.

  • If Some Type color border(magic, curse, disease, poison) added, it will be good for auras i think.


I fixed the splitting auras from spells thing in main branch. I think now it's ok.


I moved the additional enhancements to separate issues, because when we close this issue, I want to create another release.

  • Icon per link (sub) type:
  • Options for different actual fixed border colors, e.g. flyout, petaction, battlePetAbility, mawpower, spell:
  • Different border colors for auras based on type (magic, curse, disease, poison):

Is this issue resolved in your eyes? Splitting auras from spells now also ok? ๐Ÿ˜Ž


It's working fine now!