Usage: local name, hyperlink, sourceText = C_TransmogCollection.GetIllusionStrings(illusionID)
Ookami313 opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Was crafting some old patterns for transmog and when I went to look at the item in the Dressing Room Panel if I moused over an item in the new item list panel attached to the dressing room, I would receive the following error. Thanks.
8x Usage: local name, hyperlink, sourceText = C_TransmogCollection.GetIllusionStrings(illusionID)
[string "=[C]"]: in function `GetIllusionStrings'
[string "@TipTacItemRef\ttItemRef.lua"]:946: in function <TipTacItemRef\ttItemRef.lua:932>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
(*temporary) = "Usage: local name, hyperlink, sourceText = C_TransmogCollection.GetIllusionStrings(illusionID)"
Thanks for reporting this. Fixed in main branch. Here's the actual development version:
Everything's fine with this version?
Sorry, initially missed the update. Yea, so far it looks like the dev version fixed the issue, no errors at this point in time. I'll post again if they start up again. Thanks.