[Bug] DropDownList styling is overlapped with ELV UI's styling.
hobulian opened this issue ยท 9 comments
I think recently added styling is somehow darker than other tips
I think they are overlapped with ELV UI's style for them so it's double back grounded.
Hope there be some options for user's preference for these tips maybe.
I fixed this issue. The locking feature to prevent backdrop changes hasn't been applied to the frames. Seems fine now. Do you agree?
Hmm has problem with this again
Sometimes tiptac border seems dimmed and sometimes not. Reloading causes this problem. Think it's priority problem between addons.
Oh.. I think it was not elv.
It was Windtools, Addon using with Elv(https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/elvui-windtools) causes problem.
When I use Windtool's skinning shadow function
It sometimes causes problem.
This is out of TipTacs scope. ElvUI_WindTools creates a new shadow frame at the original frame (frame.shadow) and sets it the following way:
local shadow = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, frame, "BackdropTemplate")
shadow:SetFrameLevel(frame:GetFrameLevel() or 1)
shadow:SetOutside(frame, size, size)
shadow:SetBackdrop({edgeFile = LSM:Fetch("border", "ElvUI GlowBorder"), edgeSize = size + 1})
shadow:SetBackdropColor(r, g, b, 0)
shadow:SetBackdropBorderColor(r, g, b, 0.618)
The frame strata and level is the same, so it's random which frame is in front. In my opinion, the following adjustment in ElvUI_WindTools is needed:
local shadowFrameLevel = 1
if frame:GetFrameLevel() then
shadowFrameLevel = frame:GetFrameLevel() - 1
if shadowFrameLevel < 0 then
shadowFrameLevel = 0
WOW. That was quite a lot of help. Will tell WindTool's author about this. Thanks