TipTac Reborn

TipTac Reborn


[Flickering] Problem with World Quest Tracker embedded tooltips

hobulian opened this issue ยท 10 comments


Always Thanks for your hard work!

Seems to got problem after last update. I am using World Quest Tracker addon.


and It seems than when there's embedded item or artifact power in toolltip it goes broken like pic below.


wasn't happened before but after last update it broken like this.

tip:SetPadding(tipBackdrop.insets.right, tipBackdrop.insets.bottom, tipBackdrop.insets.left, tipBackdrop.insets.top);

this line in function tt:ApplyTipBackdrop(tip) causes the problem.


@k1ck3r hmm GarrisonUI

@hobulian do you have any issues when hovering over GarrisonUI?

Which part of GarrisonUI?


issue with embedded tooltips fixed with v22.01.03.

@k1ck3r: Can't reproduce your problems with GarrisonUI of shadowland. Perhaps you can make another small video of this to show it?


I added "--" to tip:SetPadding(tipBackdrop.insets.right, tipBackdrop.insets.bottom, tipBackdrop.insets.left, tipBackdrop.insets.top);
so it's now adequately functioning except war-mode bonused azerite worldquests. it's still flickering.

P.S It happened even i not using WQT addon


having same issue, but on my end, it only widens - https://imgur.com/vn3unYT
anyhow seems there is a way, but prefer to wait for Frozn's version ;)


@hobulian do you have any issues when hovering over GarrisonUI?


Even after v22.01.03. Azerite reward keeps flickering even now


Hey guys,

stopping by to leave my feedback regarding the "flickering" when hovering on some UI elements of other addon. Seems that all that flickering is related to the anchor point of your cursor's tooltip.

Previously was using all tooltips to be on "Top Left" of the mouse anchor with changes to the X and Y. So, once you set "Bottom Right" most of not all flickering is gone.

I know that latest push from @frozn fixes 99% of the things (will open different issue, with all info i got) related to TipTac and we really love him for this :D but if you are still having issue with some other addons (wardrobe enhances, venture plan for missions, world quest tracker) the issue is with the other addon for sure.

Anyhow going to my new topic now ;)


No more flickering after updated today!


An unexpected miracle! ๐Ÿ˜…


Should also be finally solved with latest release v23.01.23.