Titan Panel

Titan Panel



8.0.0 is a *combined* release for Retail (DragonFlight); WOTLK Classic; and Classic Era

NOTE: When installing Titan Panel 8.0.0 for either Classic version, delete Titan Panel folders manually or via an Addon Manager before install !

NOTE: Those using an Addon Manager and wishing to use this version will need to delete the Titan Panel Classic version the Addon Manager is pointing to then search for this version.

Yes, the Retail version selected is for PTR so you will be ready when it arrives!

Titan Panel adds information bars on the World of Warcraft UI.

Please let us know any errors or suggestions. Using Discord (below) may result in a faster resolution. Create a ticket. Comments here are OK. 

The team has a Discord server for users to share info, get help, make suggestions, and report issues. We'll see how this goes :).

Details about the Titan Panel Development Team can be found at the About sub-page at their portal site.

NOTE: Titan Panel Classic is available at https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/titan-panel-classic

NOTE: Titan Panel Classic Era is available at https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/titan-panel-classic-era

Known issues:

- Taint error if using Titan Bag option "open on left click" then attempting to use an item in your bags.


  • The ability to have 1 or 2 bars at the top of your screen.
  • The ability to have 1 or 2 bars at the bottom of your screen.
  • The ability to have up to 10 Short bars on your screen. These are movable and width adjustable.
  • Many builtin plugins that provide a great core set of features.
  • Easy to use menus and options to change features on the fly.
  • Fully supported plugin system. All plugins on the bar are plug-n-play.
  • Ability to utilize Data Broker plugins.
  • For more info and various help see Titan Config > Titan Panel Help

Bug Reports

Direct all issues and feature requests to the SourceForge Titan Panel Development Team page.


The Titan Panel change history is available at the Titan Panel Portal site.  You may also find the most recent release notes on our SourceForge Titan Panel Version History wiki page. Recent changes will be in the Titan Configuration of the addon.

Special Instructions

  • If saved variables need to be cleared / wiped please use your addon manager.
  • Clearing can be done manually : delete Titan.lua (and Titan.lua.bak) from ../World of Warcraft/_retail_/WTF/Account/<your account>/SavedVariables

Problem Escalation

  1. Please check the Titan Panel Portal for a list of any recent issues. These will appear on the main page.
  2. If you are still having issues, please follow the instructions under ''Bug Reports'' above.


          TitanAutoHide & TitanAuxAutoHide
          TitanPanel & supporting modules
          TitanAmmo : Classic Only
          TitanBag : Dec 2022 : Moved 'open bags' (left click) to an option (default off) until container taint is resolved.
          TitanRegen : Classic Only


A few very dedicated people have maintained Titan Panel over the years. They are in order of chronological responsibility: TitanMod, Dark Imakuni, Adsertor, and urnati.