


Milestone 1.1.0

AssisrMatheus opened this issue · 3 comments

  • Change the window title from TodoChecklister to ${PlayerName}'s List
  • Add the ability to edit a list by clicking on its text

@Meorawr says:

You're creating a lot of super-generic globals like OnLoad, OnShow, etc. in your UI code scripts
Also the CollapseButton.lua file is a zero-byte file, which the game really doesn't like loading without raising an error.

  • You're creating a lot of super-generic globals like OnLoad, OnShow, etc. in your UI code scripts
    This is personal preference and a must since I have to initialize the parent on load
  • Also the CollapseButton.lua file is a zero-byte file, which the game really doesn't like loading without raising an error.
    Fixed on commit 788fecb

@jfbaraky says:

  • Adicionei um item vazio, não consigo tirar ele :(
  • Botão para desmarcar tudo
  • Texto inicial vazando quando não há itens

  • Adicionei um item vazio, não consigo tirar ele :(
    Fixed on commit 3d75a6b
  • Texto inicial vazando quando não há itens
    Fixed on commit dab945f

@jfbaraky says:

  • Botão para desmarcar tudo

Moved to milestone 1.2.0 (#2)