Milestone 1.2.0
AssisrMatheus opened this issue · 7 comments
- Let the user sort its own list
- Add a category functionality, where an item can be attached to
@leonardomagnus says:
> ideia: criar "pagina"
Moved to #13
Pregnant_Bill_Cosby says:
>a notepad tab that allows links from the to-do list. For example you create one to-do entry such as "Go to Org and craft #[Advanced Target Dummy]" and then create a note in the notepad with the title [Advanced Target Dummy] wherein you list all the stuff you need to get for it. Clicking the link in the to-do opens the note with the corresponding link title.
Moved to #12
Lilivati_fish says:
>This is a great idea. A couple of things I noticed off the bat:
>- Pressing enter just deletes what you typed rather than entering it into the list.
>- You cannot "clear" the cursor from the todo list window while it is open, by hitting enter or clicking anywhere else the app or screen. So you can't use the chat system, or anything else involving key presses until you close todo. This behavior only occurs if you have entered a task, to generate a cursor in the entry box.
Fixed with version 1.1.5