


Feature requests

AssisrMatheus opened this issue · 23 comments


I might have to learn some LUA and see what I can do if I have time this week.
Thanks @AssisrMatheus!


DeviantDivega says:

Hey there! Love the add on, it would be really cool if you could add in export/import that way people could share lists. Could be kind of a pseudo classic achievements lists and such


xaticbeats says:

Hello, good work, love it.

>- change look/interface, such as make background transparent with slider

  • simple/lite mode (just text-based notepad, no similar UI to original UI)
  • priority tasks (green, yellow, red)
  • Timer + timed tasks
    - movable tasks, such as being able to drag to top, bottom etc.
  • group tasks (profession section, leveling, etc) (can be in main window such as a hierarchy or different tabs

walerk says:

Requesting a key binding to open to-do window and put cursor into the text-field, thanks in advance!


NickeKass says:

This is nice. I know runescape has something like this built in to help track dailies or other long term goals if you leave and come back frequently. Ill give this a look over.

Can you add more detailed notes if you mouse over the tasks or is this more of a general "to do" list?


WT100N says:

I would like to suggest adding reminder task eg daily task that reappears next day or after x Mins/hrs/days ?

eg: payback 25g to Uberhuntard (in 30 days)

Or add todos which appear after you hit X level



skribsbb says:
>Is it possible to make it so that it doesn't spam my chat every time I log in, load the checklist, and close the checklist?


Auxonin says:

Ok, here it comes.

  • Make it fade back in on hover/interaction (Transparency/Opacity)
  • When clicking the minimize button, minimize it to just the top bar With %playername%'s List [-]
  • Right Click minimap button to open settings
  • Enable the Keep Focus option by default
  • Maybe move this to settings instead of on the main window? (That a personal preference)
  • Set a minimum width
  • 3x %playername% or maybe 45 characters?
  • Allow there to be sub-task or indented task by dragging them to a parent (see the formatting below for an example)
  • Allow parent task to be collapsed to hide the children task. Prompt for deletion when there are child task
  • When adding multiple character support, keep the addon simple.
  • Make an "account" list for non-character specific items at the top (hideable in settings)
  • Make an expandable field for each character that has logged in with the addon installed
  • Make the Text field and the add button tied to each expandable field (only shown when expanded)
  • Make the current character auto expand
  • Make the current character todo's on top just under the account list
  • Make the "compact-ness" adjustable to reduce excess space
  • Make the text size adjustable
  • Especially when making tiered list, where the parent should always be about 1-2 font sizes larger than the child
  • If you enable "grand-child" records, then keep them the same size as the children
  • Make the form a frameless parchment sticky style instead of modular window?
  • Make it skinable or offer colors in the settings?
    • Faded Yellow
    • White
    • Green
    • Blue
    • Red / Pink
  • Attach it to the side of the game and fly in/out on hover (with a adjustable timer, so it takes .5s to >hide after you move away
  • Make the % box for the opacity able to be hand entered (I for the life of me can't get it to 80%)

That's all I have for now, more to come once some of these come into effect. What will be the best way to contact you?

Thanks again!


ERAreddit says:

Can you put your addon icon on titan panel?


Teriko says

I'd love more skin options to match elvui


SeRifx7 says:

Also it would be cool if we could share our lists or like recount, have it print our list in the chat.

Moved to #36


whutwat says:

Would it be possible to have an entry imitate a quest after being shift clicked and show somewhere below the minimap?

Moved to #37


Skullfurious says:

Add a way to share to do lists! Add chapters that when you complete a to-do list the next one loads! Great for sharing leveling strats!



Wait so this is essentially a personal quest maker?! Would be cool if you could shift-click them to add them to the stock blizz quest tracker.

Moved to #37


kotoandjuri says:

If you do this, please add an option to move a note to another character's list. Say I'm on my rogue and find remember there is something I need to catch up on on another character, I'd like the ability to make that in "account wide" section, then move it/assign it to another toon instead of logging over.

Moved to #20


akahyped says

Would be an instant download for me if you could add these to-do items to the quest tracker inferface so they show up as objectives under the minimap (not a whole lot of quests at 60 so being able to make your own custom “quest” or would be neat)

edit: Honestly, if it's too difficult to incorporate into the existing log system I think just a on-screen gui would be nice, similar to questie's on-screen custom quest tracker that you can drag around, adjust text size, etc. I think opening the panel itself should only be reserved for either creating a new objective or to see deleted objectives.

Moved to #37


Add a way to mute chat messages!



Aureus117 says:

Please do, I’d love elvui skin look. Also is it possible to hide the mini map button?


Senarium says:

Maybe it is too late, and my comment you won't see, but I have some feedback: there is no need for + sign, we can just press enter. It would be great if in option we could hide that. Also because of the + sign there is some big space in frame on the right, waste of space. Other than that, great addon, definitely will use it.

The empty space is there to sit the scrollbar


Raise the opacity on mouse over


the_notorious_thug says

Hi. Could you add the functionality of this add-on Daily To Do.


Is there an easy way to enable word wrapping?


Hey @ryanfurrer! The addon doesn't wrap words for now. But there's an issue to add that on the next versions, you can make a PR if you want, or wait for it. I don't know if it's easy or not, so I have to test it first.