Total RP 3: Extended

Total RP 3: Extended


Suggestion -- Make items marked as consumable.

Taijavu opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Simply put, I think it'd be handy if when creating an item with say quick or normal, you could mark the item as consumable -- in other words, once using the item, the item will disappear from your inventory. It could be used for food, whatever, what name you. The reason why I suggest it is, not to sound whiny, is that in GryphonHeart Items it seemed easy to do, whereas I can't for the life of me here, ( If it's even possible to do in the first place, but I'm assuming so?) and I think it'd just be nice if there was a visual cue or a hint item, (like how there's the gun and bullets to teach you about workflows, or the currency quest to teach you about quests,) for noobs like me who can't figure it out xD Please don't take this as a, "Well so and so did this better," because all in all I find this addon much more flexible and I love it so far. It's just driving me bonkers that I can't figure out how to make an item disappear upon use, instead of just sitting in the inventory forever. So, yeah. A markable consumable, just like how there is a markable wearable, would be very cool and handy I think! :)


There's a "Consume item" effect in workflows (Inventory effects).
As far as I remember items created in quick mode can't be used, I might be wrong.
Maybe more example items could be added in the future, although I'm not sure when there will be time to do that.


We could have a checkbox in the quick creation to "mark" it as consumable, that would automatically attach the "Consume item" workflow and add a "Consumable" localized text to one of the tooltip texts.