Total RP 3: Extended

Total RP 3: Extended


C Stack Overflow on Quest NPC say

ashkaraoc opened this issue ยท 8 comments


Created a nice little 4 step quest, NPC /say /whisper or /yell results in continually text generation.

Erorr: Addons\TotalRP3\libs\Ellyb\Tools\Localization.lua:29: C stack overflow


Sounds like a workflow repeating infinitely. Can you quick export the campaign and send it to me so I can check ?



Is this what you need?


Hmmm, I'm not reproducing your issue nor seeing anything that would cause an infinite loop in what you shared. Try resetting your campaign maybe, if you edited it while it was running it might have some leftovers causing this. If you still have the issue, try describing the steps you're taking to cause it from the start of your campaign.
(Side note : I don't know if that's a placeholder but most of your conditions are "X is equal to X" which will always be valid no matter what.)


Right, the conditions I was aware of, but it was the NPC /say that was causing the weirdness. Thanks for looking into it! I'll reload the game with no other addons enabled.


So I guess the issue is a lack of some sort of PDF documentation. With some of us having hearing issues, youtube is not an option. For the quest I had to export everything for someone else to use. Alright that's fine. But I need the quest giver to have a conversational step after finding items... so I tried to set that up but the quest items don't flag for progress and I cannot further item advancement for it to talk to. It's just a four part step that was meant to give someone an in game experience of "find body parts for the RAS and turn in." But the problem is they can't find my stashes and I had to export everything for them to even start the quest. Am I missing something?


More written documentation is on my mind, but it requires time, and at the moment I would rather dedicate that time at improving systems before writing tutorials which might be outdated in 1 or 2 versions. It is currently easier to answer specific questions here or on Discord, and rely on the wiki here and the in-game tutorials to explain some functions.

I have trouble understanding what you're having issue with, but I'll try to answer what I gather.

  • If you want to share your campaign and all the items at once, you should make the items as inner objects of the campaign (see the tab called Inner objects in campaign/quest/step editor). You can check this article of the wiki for information regarding sharing creations.

  • Stashes are currently bugged, we have a version in the works to fix it, no ETA on release but it should come soon.

  • There isn't an event called when looting Extended items, whether from stashes or the loot effect, though it is on the list to be added at some point. As potential workarounds, you could check if all the items are present when your player tries to talk to the NPC again; or make the player use the "Interact" action (with a condition on position) to trigger an "Add item" effect and check after every item added if the player has all parts in his inventory.

Let me know if I missed any issue raised.


I totally understand prioritising where your time is spent. I will do as suggested with the items as inner objects, but since the stashes are not working, are regular dropped items? And don't worry about a time space for fixing stuff like that; working within mods or addons is always a secondary full time job. I'll see what I can do to alter the steps of this campaign. Thanks for your time, feel free to close this or mark as resolved :)


Dropped items should be fully working, but other players can't access your dropped items, it is a personal system.
I'll close this ticket but feel free to ask if you encounter any more issue !