Total RP 3: Extended

Total RP 3: Extended


Use Total RP 3's chat links system to send items and campaigns links

Ellypse opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Total RP 3: Extend should support Total RP 3's new chat links system ASAP.

  • Shift-Clicking an item in the inventory creates a link to that item (instance). All information about the item at the instant of creating the link is copied (variable values, etc.). The tooltip will always display the same info, we do not want to handle variable changes or cases where the item no longer is in the inventory.
  • Shift-Click a campaign in the inventory creates a link to that campaign (instance). All information about the advancement of the campaign is stored and the tooltip will always show the advancement at the time of the link.
  • In both cases, creating a link offer a prompt to let the user choose between :
    • Make the creation importable as an instance, with the current values (item variables, campaign advancement). The import button will show "Import in inventory" or "Import active campaign" and at the end of the importing process an instance with the same variables will be created inside the inventory or the campaign will be run at the saved state.
    • Make the creation importable as a creation, empty of all values. The import button will show "Import in database" and the information will only be copied to the database but nothing will be added to the inventory or activated.
  • Shift-Clicking creation that is a child of a root creation will indicate in the dialog that making it importable will transfer the root creation and all of its inner creations.