Total RP 3: Extended

Total RP 3: Extended


Possible Kaliel's Tracker conflict?

Debugga-nb opened this issue ยท 2 comments


I'm getting the below bug (note the bug number, and it just keeps growing every 2-4 seconds lol).

Looks like an objective tracker issue, and my best guess is that Kaliel's Tracker (I dont use the stock tracker) is conflicting as they did just release a fresh major rev.

I've disabled TRP-E for now.

25x ...e/AddOns/totalRP3_Extended/quest/quest_objective.lua:179: attempt to compare number with nil
[string "@Interface/AddOns/totalRP3_Extended/quest/quest_objective.lua"]:179: in function <...e/AddOns/totalRP3_Extended/quest/quest_objective.lua:175>

top = nil
(*temporary) = ObjectiveTrackerBlocksFrame {
0 =
ScenarioHeader = Frame {
CampaignQuestHeader = Frame {
maxHeight = 0
ProfessionHeader = Frame {
poiOnCreateFunc = defined @Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker/Blizzard_ObjectiveTracker.lua:793
AchievementHeader = Frame {
UIWidgetsHeader = Frame {
QuestHeader = Frame {
poiTable =

(*temporary) = true
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to compare number with nil"
frame = TRP3_QuestObjectives {
0 =
Tracker = SimpleHTML {
Actions = Frame {
init = defined @Interface/AddOns/totalRP3_Extended/quest/quest_objective.lua:135
display = defined @Interface/AddOns/totalRP3_Extended/quest/quest_objective.lua:32


Error should not occur with next week's update, but the campaign tracker will still not be visible. Will need to look into it more extensively at a later time.


Same Problem here, I use Kaliels Tracker too.