TotalAP - Artifact Power Tracker

TotalAP - Artifact Power Tracker


Toggling /ap autohide in combat doesn't hide the display after combat ends

rdw-software opened this issue ยท 1 comments


It can't update during combat to avoid taint issues, but right after combat ends (OnCombatExited handler) it SHOULD do this automatically -except it doesn't.

Possible cause: Still being locked in combat while the PLAYER_REGEN_ENABLED event fires
Need to investigate further and maybe use a different event, or find another way to update the GUI afterwards to make sure the latest autoHide status is being considered.


OK, so this was altered by the recent anti-taint measures somewhat... The GUI update was actually broken even for /ap autohide due to the second, unnecessary check for UnitAffectingCombat() - this is fixed in 3ee1982.

Since the actual issue seems to be gone after disallowing all commands in combat, I'll close this for now. Some commands should likely work and be applied after combat, but that is a different issue altogether.