TotalAP - Artifact Power Tracker

TotalAP - Artifact Power Tracker


Lua error after upgrading to r25 - bank cache issue (?)

rdw-software opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Something is clearly broken, as multiple users reported the issue - for example, here

However, it doesn't seem to be a regular occurence as the addon worked fine for others, including myself and testers I asked directly.


  • Find out why it breaks
  • Fix it
  • Optional: If it's a Cache issue, update unit tests to make sure it can't happen again
  • Optional: Consider if the bug causing this might also cause related issues and fix those, too

Found the cause: Cache.Initialise drops the bankCache's entries if they happen to be part of an otherwise invalid character entry (typically, one where a spec would be saved without a default value, which prompts the repair but also "repairs" the bankCache on accident).

Hotfix: Alter validation to skip over the bank cache
Better fix: Will be solved by refactoring the BankCache entirely (#24). Should also include reworking the validation routine to make it less complicated, perhaps?