TotalAP - Artifact Power Tracker

TotalAP - Artifact Power Tracker


ActionButton cooldown animation doesn't update while engaged in combat

rdw-software opened this issue ยท 2 comments


For some reason the ActionButton cooldown animation toggles when entering combat, usually the first time after entering combat. Afterwards it just... stops? But then, sometimes it won't. Very odd, to say the least, but I haven't investigated further.

The glitch must be in the ActionButton.Update() function, as the cooldown isn't set anywhere else.


Well, this is really odd. The cooldown seems to only refresh once per combat cycle, which leads me to believe the bug is actually not that it displays at all, but that it only displays once instead of with every global cooldown.

It only occurs when the autohide option is enabled, though, which means it's a minor nuisance at best. Therefore, I'm pushing it to r26-beta as it will hardly affect anybody and I'd rather get some user feedback on the new GUI / find more severe bugs in it.


I got it - the first update is simply a regular call to update (which always occurs, as the combat lockdown has not yet been applied). After that subsequent calls are skipped and so the cooldown only applies once per combat engagement. I changed the update process to always attempt and update any cooldowns, as they are unaffected by combat lockdown restrictions.

The second issue then, is that the cooldown only updates during each call to Render(), of which there isn't any during combat. I tried playing around with the cooldown update events but it gets really messy from there, and I feel like it isn't really worth the time at this point. Maybe later, after the GUI has been refactored I can look into it again... or maybe not.