


TranqShot interfering with dialog boxes

lantisnt opened this issue ยท 8 comments


Version : v1.2.0 - beta


With AddOn enabled - in party - outside of raid, outside of instance (Ironforge), when I was trying to apply Accurascope to bow with damage enchant the dialog box that popped for confirming was closed after 1 - 3s each time (with no reenchant - thus assuming cancel). This stopped when i disabled TranqShot. Probably some events / communication actions are interfering with popups.
This happened using default UI.

Steps to reproduce

  • Enable addon
  • Try doing action that requires a popup (e.g. reenchant an item)
  • Wait 1 - 3 s

Additional information

Occured to me when applying Accurascope


Just tried it with a lower end scope, I can reproduce your issue.
It however happens even if I have no addon installed at all.
Could you please check if it still happens when you disable all addons ?


Could you clarify no addon at all? - Does this mean also no TranqRotate?


Yup, none at all. TranqRotate disabled too


Oh ok. I was not able to reproduce it today. Classic Bug report?


Hello !

Thanks for testing and reporting this issue, I will try to reproduce it on my side later today.

Few questions :

  • Could you retry with only TranqRotate enabled and confirm it still happens ?
  • If so, could you please try with v1.1.0 see if that's a v1.2.0 issue ?
  • Does it happens with cheaper items ? I don't have any accurascope and would like to avoid buying one xP

Congratulation for your crossbow I guess :D


Look like it yeah xP
Thanks for reporting anyway, I'll keep this open until release just in case


Thanks for finding out the problem :)