


[Feature request] Timed notification of backup / next hunter

lantisnt opened this issue ยท 4 comments


After N (configurable) seconds of target getting in frenzy and not receiving tranq next person in rotation and all backups should be notified to tranq.



Great idea ! I'm however unable to know frenzy status and start at the moment, I'll check how I can put your idea in place once frenzy is handled :)


I use a weak aura for when to tranq that checks that the target has a buff called Frenzy.

Looks like these are all the matching IDs

Hopefully this helps.


Hey @cltnschlosser !

Thanks for the data, however I did look them up myself last week as I was working on the "tranq now" alert feature :D
This feature request should be in the top 3 next I will (try to) add !

I'm a bit unsure about the configurable delay as it could cause some weird behavior if people in the same raid use a different value. Exemple, Hunter A from rotation group is too far away/Stun and has set a 3 seconds delay, Hunt B from backup has set 1s before alert : Hunter B will receive backup call from A 2 seconds after it's own TranqRotate asked him to shoot). I may start with a fixed value of say ... 2s maybe ?


Forgot to close this, it's part of the 1.5.0 release ! :)