


Incorrect font when also using TellMeWhen

ckaotik opened this issue ยท 4 comments


I'm using tekticles to change my global game fonts, which tullaCC picks up nicely.
However, I've noticed that tullaCC displays cooldowns using Blizzard's default font (FritzQuadrata I think?) when I've also enabled TellMeWhen.

Is there something that can be done about this? It's probably more a TMW issue than tullaCC but I couldn't figure out why this would happen at all.


My guess is that its probably a load order thing. tullaCC uses whatever STANDARD_TEXT_FONT is set as by the time config.lua is loaded.


Well, the strange thing is ... TellMeWhen has tullaCC listed as an optional dependency and should therefore be loaded after tullaCC. Also, that variable is never directly touched by TMW. Mysterious!

With tekticles, tullaCC and TMW loaded, a /dump STANDARD_TEXT_FONT gets me the correct result, "Interface\AddOns\tekticles\Calibri.ttf". The cooldowns still display using FritzQuadrata, though and that's also what's saved in the addon, for some obscure reason: Addon.Config.fontFace => "Fonts\FRIZQT__.TTF". If I do a reload without TMW, the config is correctly set to Calibri.


What happens if you give tullaCC an optional dependency on tekticles? Also, I've adjusted the WoD version to read values later than when config.lua is immediately loaded. It also supports overriding values like so:
tullaCC.Config.fontFace = [[Interface\AddOns\tekticles\Calibri.ttf]]


Finally got around to testing that, so little WoW time recently. Adding ## OptionalDeps: tekticles does help, yes. I find that strange, though, since it worked fine without the dependency as long as TMW was not loaded. Oh well.
This works, so that's a good thing :) Would love to try the WoD version, but will have to wait for a beta key for that.