


Cooldown spiral

nirp opened this issue ยท 2 comments


Previous version of omnicc had the ability to hide the spiral, is it possible to do in tullacc, I tried setting cd:SetAlpha(0) but that also hides the cooldown frame.


I swear I replied to this :P
The reason this does not work in tullaCC is that tullaCC's cooldowns are actually parented to the cooldown model, so if you make the cooldown model transparent, then you also make the timer text transparent, too. I'm not sure if I'll implement this feature or not.


Yeah, it's not really needed, at least not in tullacc maybe in OmniCC.

Anyway if I wanted to do it for my version I would need to create a new texture to parent to the Cooldown parent (ie. the button) and than parent the cooldowns to that texture I guess.