


Timer missing after using Ascendance

ckaotik opened this issue ยท 10 comments


When I'm casting Ascendance on my (elemental) shaman, I lose the cooldown timer. The spiral is still there but no timings.
If I then remove the spell from my bars (Dominos) and put it back into the same slot, the cooldown magically pops up. It seems the cooldown only starts after the effect of the spell wears off.

This is rather annoying as it's a major CD for shamans of any spec.


The issue with cooldowns missing after a /reload is still there (on live, and has been there for a long time), however it seems to be related to Dominos. When I disable Dominos, cooldowns show up just fine, even after a /reload, but when it's enabled they won't show up while being active after a /reload.

This is what reproduces the issue every time for me:

  1. login with Dominos & TullaCC enabled
  2. use a spell that causes a cooldown
  3. /reload while cooldown is sill active
  4. cooldown text is missing
  5. wait for cooldown to expire and re-cast to trigger cooldown
  6. cooldown text is still missing

Well, it would help if I actually, you know, committed the changes that fix this :)


Hehe, so I tried this new commit and found some issues:

  1. cc.lua line 185 is missing a comma, so the file doesn't load

  2. with that fixed, I get the following error on /reload while a spell is on cooldown (in my test case: Penance, a rather short CD that most of the time expires before the UI is done reloading). It doesn't happen on longer CDs such as Pain Suppression though ...

    1x tullaCC\cc.lua:85: attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'start' (a nil value)
    tullaCC\cc.lua:85: in function `UpdateText'
    tullaCC\cc.lua:102: in function `ForceUpdate'
    tullaCC\cc.lua:187: in function <tullaCC\cc.lua:185>
    self = <unnamed> {
    fontScale = 0.88888888888889
    text = <unnamed> {
    updater = <unnamed> {
    0 = <userdata>
    Timer = <table> {
    UpdateText = <function> defined @tullaCC\cc.lua:84
    Stop = <function> defined @tullaCC\cc.lua:71
    SetNextUpdate = <function> defined @tullaCC\cc.lua:62
    Start = <function> defined @tullaCC\cc.lua:157
    OnSizeChanged = <function> defined @tullaCC\cc.lua:108
    Create = <function> defined @tullaCC\cc.lua:128
    ForceUpdate = <function> defined @tullaCC\cc.lua:101
  3. When Pain Suppression (a 3min CD) is on cooldown while I /reload, it does get its spiral as always and there is also some cooldown text, but it's layered behind the spiral slightly transparent. This effect also occurs on Penance after said error (see 2), where the countdown 9-6 is displayed behind the spiral and from 5 onwards it's missing.

    Edit: Could this be related to my bars being at a lower alpha when not in combat/hovered? That the cooldown inherits this alpha and doesn't adjust ist back up?



1 and 2 should now be fixed.

I wasn't able to reproduce 3 with auto fading bars in Dominos, but I do suspect that the cause is the initial opacity of your bars. The WoW animation system, which tullaCC uses for updates, is known (at least to me) to sometimes cause strange rendering issues.


Looking good :)
It seems the faded cooldown spiral+count is related to Domino's "Faded Opacity" feature. So I might open a ticket on Dominos for that at some point, but it's not major and works once I remove my bar fading ;)


What happens if you cast the ability without Dominos enabled?


I've posted an update that should fix the issue. Let me know if it works :)


Yes. I've tried this with pretty much the default UI. What I noticed was that the cooldown count did pop for a split second, but then suddenly vanished.

The screenshot shows Ascendance currently active and the cooldown spiral shown on its button (upper row, farthest to the right), but not its duration.


The cooldown now shows up proberly, thank you. It's still not showing while Ascendance is active, but same goes for Blizzard's cooldown spiral. The important part - showing the remaining cooldown after being used - works great :D

There is something else I noticed: When a spell on my bars is currently on cooldown and I do a /reload, tullaCC does not regognize it anymore. The spiral shows (as it's from Blizzard), but no numbers show up. When said cooldown then expires and I activate the spell (and thereby its cooldown) again, tullaCC still does not recognize it.


I have not reproduced that one on the PTR, so far.