Twintop's Resource Bar

Twintop's Resource Bar


Assassination Rogue

Twintop opened this issue ยท 0 comments

  • Support Combo Points + Energy
    • Add dual resource support
    • Show combo points separately
    • Color change for penultimate/final
    • [ ] Bar text for CPs
  • Options menu
    • Base menu
    • Combo points controls
      • "Full Width" toggle. Overrides the width and anchor/Y components
      • Positioning relative to main bar - X & Y position, maybe anchor point e.g. left/center/right?
      • Size -- Width, Height, Border Size
      • Spacing between
      • Colors for base CP, penultimate CP, last CP, border, and background
      • Textures -- Border, bar, and background
    • Organize threshold lines in to groups: Builders, Finishers, Utility, Covenant, PvP
  • Bar color change
    • No Slice and Dice up (in combat)
  • Bar border color change
    • Overcap
  • Abilities & spells
  • Talents
    • Blindside
    • Subterfuge
    • Internal Bleeding
    • Exsanguinate
      • Only show as usable when there's at least 1 bleed up on the current target.
    • [ ] Hidden Blades
    • Crimson Tempest
  • Threshold lines
    • Class + Spec Builders
    • Class + Spec Finishers
    • Class + Spec Utility
    • Talents
      • Exsanguinate
      • Crimson Tempest
    • Covenant
    • PvP
    • Handle Stealth abilities that cost energy/CPs
      • Stealth check
      • Blindside (talent)
      • Subterfuge (talent)
  • DoT Tracking
    • Bleeds
      • Garrote
      • Rupture
      • Internal Bleeding
      • Crimson Tempest
    • Poisons
      • Deadly Poison
      • Crippling Poison
      • Wound Poison
      • Numbing Poison
  • Passive Energy
  • Legendaries
      • May need to change how the buff is tracked
      • Does the launching to an additional enemy also give CPs? May need to add some more intelligent tracking of targets for
        predictive CP purposes
        • Doesn't appear to grant extra CPs on initial application. Subsequent are difficult to determine since the targets need to be very close to one another (even dummies in the Necrolord hall are too far apart). No changes needed.
      • Adrenaline Rush support, which can be a "spec agnostic" approach
      • Track an additional bleed. Does this count towards Exsanguinate?
        • New DoT does not count towards Exsanguinate and can not be reapplied/pandemic'd. No point in tracking it. No changes needed.
      • Track an additional bleed. Does this count towards Exsanguinate?
        • New DoT does not count towards Exsanguinate. Since it is RNG there's no point in tracking it. No changes needed.
      • Remove Threshold Line, update options menu
      • For Necro, show an extra CP generated from Bonespike?
        • Holding off on this one for now.
  • Conduits
  • Covenant abilities
    • Echoing Reprimand (Kyrian)
    • Sepsis (Night Fae)
    • Necrolord
    • Venthyr
  • PvP Abilities
  • Audio
    • Overcap
    • Blindside proc
  • Bar text
  • #190
      • Change how CP finisher durations are determined, e.g. switch from a list to a formula?