Twintop's Resource Bar

Twintop's Resource Bar


Wago Analytics Support

Twintop opened this issue ยท 1 comments


Add in Wago Analytics to log anonymous usage metrics (with appropriate opt-out).

One of the issues that has been difficult to overcome is collecting data around usage of the bar on a per-spec/per-class basis. Having a Strawpoll annually is certainly better than nothing but being able to have more concrete usage metrics will prove helpful in targeting parts of the bar to work on. Any data collected will be skewed towards those who use Wago Addons and their tendencies, but some data is better than no data.

Preliminary list of metrics to track for the first pass:

  • Bar usage (enabled vs. disabled specs, loaded for what classes)
  • Number of imports and exports
  • Has the default bar text been changed?
  • If using default bar text, which version (mini vs. full (vs. full narrow for Shadow))

Other possible metrics to consider tracking later:

  • Number of variables in bar text
  • Bar size, position, border
  • Threshold info (which are enabled, are icons used, positioning)
  • Audio cue usage

Not seeing much download activity via Wago and it is also impossible to tell how much of that is from Wago's app and not WowUp. Closing this as it likely won't ever happen (and if it does I can just reopen it).