Twintop's Resource Bar

Twintop's Resource Bar


Shadowfiend/Mindbender showing incorrect passive generation

Twintop opened this issue ยท 8 comments


Mindbender (and probably Shadowfiend) are showing an unrealistic amount of passive generation inconsistently, i.e. 75 incoming when settings should show 4 GCDs worth.

This probably is impacting Holy and Discipline as well but I haven't seen it first hand to verify.


Root cause of this for Holy is Lightwell occupying the Totem1 spot when the bar expects Shadowfiend to always be there (for Holy).


Still seeing this on occassion, though no common thread as to when/where/why.


The only time I reliably see this is when fighting a world boss with lots of other people. Continuing to investigate.


There is an issue with Holy (maybe Disc?) where the passive incoming amount of mana and it's threshold line stay active forever. I believe this is related to the issue also being seen here for Shadow.

This has not been observed as Holy in a raid when there are no other Priests. Current hypothesis is there is something about another Priest's Shadowfiend/Mindbender that is breaking the current implementation.


Root cause of this for Shadow: Devoured Despair was not having its buff duration refreshed when active, causing a full 15sec worth of bonus Insanity gain to be added in.

This is, unfortunately, completely unrelated to whatever is going on with Holy.


Getting reports of this still happening for Holy Priest; looking to verify and reproduce.

Off the cuff guess as to what's going on: there's a gap in the current logic for detecting if a totem is Lightwell or Shadowfiend for Holy.


Haven't seen this issue occur recently; it is probably a transient issue that will be difficult to pinpoint. Leaving this open for now.


This is fixed in TWW with the changes to how Shadowfiends are tracked.