


Constantly Targets A Rare

jackajack opened this issue ยท 7 comments


I'm using it with Luna Unit Frames and
1- When a rare is around(I use the rare list the other guy shared here), my client constantly targets it even if I try to change target. Nothing works except logging out and disabling npcscan.
2- I don't know why but I don't get the "flashy" alert on mob find. It just targets the rare (and sticks to it).


That's why it doesn't include a rare list :) (besides all but 3 vanilla rares being completely worthless) The only way to scan in vanilla is with the targeting api


So is it normal for npcscan to target npcs constantly? It doesn't let me un-target.
Also no flashy alert is strange isn't it?

Btw which 3 rares are important?


Unmodified npcscan will remove a name from the scan list as soob as it detects it to avoid this issue. Then you have to add it back if you want to scan for it again.


Let's say you add this manually to savedvariables:
npcscan_targets = {
["7:XT"] = true,

Does that mean npcscan can't remove 7:XT from the list when found?
It feels like it should work the same as /npcscan 7:XT command ingame.

Also please tell 3 important rares because I really want to know.


No, that should work. But like i said, kinda pointless anyway as only prince nazjak and lupus/broken tooth for hunters are interest8ng. I used it more often for camping questmobs and detecting gankers actually. Will probably also rename it to unitscan at some point.


Having lots of names on the list will also cauze performance issues


Still it's cool to know you're not missing any rares you pass by. The list has around 200-250 rare names. I didn't notice any performance issues.

My issues are:
1- Constant targeting
2- No flashy alert

Do you have any idea why?