Did you change anything how to Register "external" Extensions for Vendor?
fubaWoW opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Hi there,
did you change anything about how to register an external "Extension" for Vendor?
I've reactivated wow today and I use my own "Extension" for Vendor but I get this ersror:
1x Vendor/rules/extensions.lua:133: attempt to call method 'RegisterFunctions' (a nil value)
[string "@Vendor/rules/extensions.lua"]:133: in function <Vendor/rules/extensions.lua:120>
[string "@Vendor/rules/extensions.lua"]:465: in function `Register'
[string "@Vendor/rules/extensions.lua"]:514: in function <Vendor/rules/extensions.lua:513>
and this is my "Extension" for Vendor:
local AddonName, AddOn = ...
local function Vendor_HaveProfession(professionNameOrId)
if not professionNameOrId then
--local name, texture, rank, maxRank, numSpells, spellOffset, skillLine, rankModifier, specializationIndex, specializationOffset, skillLineName = GetProfessionInfo(index);
if type(professionNameOrId) == "string" then
local professions = {GetProfessions()}
for _, index in next, professions do
local name = select(1, GetProfessionInfo(index))
local skillLineName = select(11, GetProfessionInfo(index))
if (name == professionNameOrId) or (skillLineName == professionNameOrId) then
return true
elseif type(professionNameOrId) == "number" then
local professions = {GetProfessions()}
local spellName = select(1, GetSpellInfo(professionNameOrId)) -- name, rank, icon, castTime, minRange, maxRange, spellID, originalIcon = GetSpellInfo(number|string)
for _, index in next, professions do
local name = select(1, GetProfessionInfo(index))
local skillLineName = select(11, GetProfessionInfo(index))
local spellID_name = name and select(2, GetSpellLink(name)) or 0
local spellID_skillLineName = skillLineName and select(2, GetSpellLink(skillLineName)) or 0
if (spellID_name == professionNameOrId) or (spellID_skillLineName == professionNameOrId) then
return true
elseif (spellName == name) or (spellName == skillLineName) then
return true
return false
local function registerHaveProfession()
local HaveProfession = {
-- Vendor will check this source is loaded prior to registration.
-- It will also be displayed in the Vendor UI.
Source = "fuba",
Addon = AddonName,
Version = 1.0,
Functions = {
Name = "HaveProfession",
Supported = {Retail = true, Classic = true, RetailNext = true, ClassicNext = true},
Function = Vendor_HaveProfession,
Help = 'Return "true" if you have learned the Profession.',
Documentation = 'Return "true" if you have learned the Profession.'
-- Register this extension with Vendor.
-- For safety, you should make sure both Vendor and the RegisterExtension method exist before
-- calling, as done below. If not a clean LUA error will be thrown that can be reported back to players.
Vendor and Vendor.RegisterExtension,
"Vendor RegisterExtension not found, cannot register extension: " .. tostring(HaveProfession.Source)
if (not Vendor.RegisterExtension(HaveProfession)) then
-- something went wrong
print("|cffff0000Can not Register Vendor Extesion: |r" .. HaveProfession.Addon)
I've checked your "internal Extensions" like TSM or ArkInventory but the Code seems complete the same, except you now use an "internal" Function for your Rules.
Did I miss anything?!
Also the "Info Text" in the extensions.lua
seems outdated:
| Copyright (c) 2018
| This file defines the extension points for vendor, we allow other
| Addon to register functions and rule definitions with vendor.
| The structure for information is as following:
| FunctionInformation:
| Name = <name>
| Help = <help text>
| Function = <function>
| Name is the name as it will be exposed to the user, it will be prefixed
| by the source of your extension, so if your Source is "Bar" and you
| register a function "Foo" the function exposed to the rules will be
| Bar_Foo. The help text is required, and it explains to uses how the
| function works.
| RuleDefinition:
| Id = <id>
| Name = <name>
| Description = <description>
| Script = <script>
| Type = "Sell" | "Keep"
| Order = #
| All of these fields except for Order are required and must be
| non-empty strings. Order is used for sorting the definition
| with the custom rule list.
| ExtensionDefinition:
| Rules = { RuleDefinition1...RuleDefinitionN }
| Functions = { FunctionDefinition1...FunctionDefinitionN }
| Source = <source>
| Addon = <addon>
| Rules and functions are a list of the rules and definitions which
| should be registered. See the details above for each of them.
| Source - is the name of your Vendor extension, this can whatever
| you desire, but anything non-alpha numeric will be turned into
| underscores.
| Addon - This is the Addon making the call, this allows vendor
| to get version information and track where it came from
| we do verify this is valid. and for the most part
| you can just use the result of "select(1, ...)"
Maybe you can add an "Example" Extension for external Extensions so we can update them easily?
Well, my "Extension" works if I integrate it into your "Internal Extension" collection (like Pawn or TSM) but not with the "RegisterExtension" as an external Extension...
I really appreciate any help you can provide.
I will take a look, if this hasn't already been fixed, however that seems like a great function to just pull into our default functions, which I might do as part of 6.3
error still not fixed!
same error:
1x Vendor/rules/extensions.lua:133: attempt to call method 'RegisterFunctions' (a nil value)
[string "@Vendor/rules/extensions.lua"]:133: in function <Vendor/rules/extensions.lua:120>
[string "@Vendor/rules/extensions.lua"]:463: in function `Register'
[string "@Vendor/rules/extensions.lua"]:512: in function <Vendor/rules/extensions.lua:511>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "@Vendor_fubaExtensions/fubaExtensions.lua"]:91: in function `registerfubaRules'
[string "@Vendor_fubaExtensions/fubaExtensions.lua"]:98: in main chunk
ext = <table> {
Rules = 0
Source = "fuba"
Functions = 3
OnUpdate = 0
Name = "Vendor [6.5.0]"
fdef = <table> {
Function = <function> defined @Vendor_fubaExtensions/fubaExtensions.lua:5
Documentation = "Return "true" if you have learned the Profession.
You can use SpellName or SpellID for this function.
fuba_HaveProfession("Enchanting") will return "true" you have the "Enchanting" Profession learned.
You can also use the SpellID if you want and know it like this:
fuba_HaveProfession(7411) will also return "true" if you're an Enchanter."
Name = "HaveProfession"
Supported = <table> {
f = <table> {
Function = <function> defined @Vendor_fubaExtensions/fubaExtensions.lua:5
SourceName = "fuba"
Extension = <table> {
Documentation = "Return "true" if you have learned the Profession.
You can use SpellName or SpellID for this function.
fuba_HaveProfession("Enchanting") will return "true" you have the "Enchanting" Profession learned.
You can also use the SpellID if you want and know it like this:
fuba_HaveProfession(7411) will also return "true" if you're an Enchanter."
Supported = <table> {
Name = "fuba_HaveProfession"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = <table> {
MerchantButton = <table> {
c_Config_Tooltip_Rule = "tooltip_addrule"
RuleType = <table> {
RaiseEvent = <function> defined @Vendor/sys/event.lua:124
CopyProfile = <function> defined @Vendor/sys/profilemanager.lua:290
DefaultConfig = <table> {
PreHookWidget = <function> defined @Vendor/sys/hook.lua:29
c_Config_Tooltip = "tooltip_basic"
RARE_BLUE_COLOR = <table> {
c_Config_SellThrottle = "sell_throttle"
RuleConfig = <table> {
RemoveThread = <function> defined @Vendor/sys/thread.lua:103
IsItemInList = <function> defined @Vendor/vendor/blocklists.lua:386
ListToggle_Cmd = <function> defined @Vendor/cmds.lua:27
AttachImplementation = <function> defined @Vendor/ui/dialog.lua:40
History_Cmd = <function> defined @Vendor/features/history/history.lua:341
TableMerge = <function> defined @Vendor/sys/helpers.lua:89
GetProfileList = <function> defined @Vendor/sys/profilemanager.lua:230
GetPriceString = <function> defined @Vendor/sys/systems.lua:156
AddInitializeAction = <function> defined @Vendor/sys/core.lua:148
c_Config_SellLimit = "autosell_limit"
GetNumTotalEquippedBagSlots = <function> defined @Vendor/sys/systems.lua:156
IsDebug = false
Systems = <table> {
TableFind = <function> defined @Vendor/sys/helpers.lua:62
CreateCategory = <function> defined @Vendor/RulesEngine/category.lua:163
GetCharacterFullName = <function> defined @Vendor/sys/helpers.lua:104
RuleManager = <table> {
IsDebugChannelEnabled = <function> defined @Vendor/sys/core.lua:173
c_Config_MerchantData = "merchantdata"
IsConfigInitialized = <function> defined @Vendor/sys/config.lua:414
FindDefaultProfile = <function> defined @Vendor/vendor/profileimpl.lua:130
UnregisterFromEvents = <function> defined @Vendor/sys/systems.lua:225
GetCurrentProfile = <function> defined @Vendor/sys/profilemanager.lua:299
SecureHookWidget = <function> defined @Vendor/sys/hook.lua:8
TableHasKey = <function> defined @Vendor/sys/helpers.lua:57
ActionType = <table> {
CreateRulesEngine = <function> defined @Vendor/rules/manager.lua:44
OnInitialize = <function> defined @Vendor/addon.lua:7
AddConsoleCommand = <function> defined @Vendor/sys/console.lua:125
StringRTrim = <function> defined @Vendor/sys/helpers.lua:21
GetDebugSetting = <function> defined @Vendor/sys/core.
But it still works if i copy it directly into your internal extensions and execute it by Vendor itself!
So your Extension API is still broken, after over 1 year ^^