LUA Error on open Rules
fubaWoW opened this issue ยท 0 comments
1x ...s/Vendor/systems/itemproperties/itempropertyinfo.lua:177: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
[string "@Vendor/systems/itemproperties/itempropertyinfo.lua"]:177: in function `IsPropertySupported'
[string "@Vendor/systems/itemproperties/itempropertydocs.lua"]:212: in function <...s/Vendor/systems/itemproperties/itempropertydocs.lua:205>
[string "=(tail call)"]: ?
[string "@Vendor/features/ui_dialogs/EditRule.lua"]:175: in function <...rfaceVendor/features/ui_dialogs/EditRule.lua:163>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `xpcall'
[string "@Vendor/_ui/List.lua"]:417: in function <Vendor/_ui/List.lua:393>
[string "@Vendor/_ui/List.lua"]:667: in function `Update'
[string "@Vendor/_ui/List.lua"]:470: in function <Vendor/_ui/List.lua:462>
[string "@Vendor/ui/dialog.lua"]:57: in function <Vendor/ui/dialog.lua:56>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `Show'
[string "@Vendor/features/ui_dialogs/dialogs.lua"]:49: in function `ShowEditRule'
[string "@Vendor/features/ui_vendor/RuleItem.lua"]:185: in function `Edit'
[string "@Vendor/features/ui_vendor/RuleItem.lua"]:238: in function `?'
[string "@Vendor/_ui/contextmenu.lua"]:82: in function `OnItemClicked'
[string "@Vendor/_ui/contextmenu.lua"]:31: in function <Vendor/_ui/contextmenu.lua:30>
self = <table> {
name = "PlayerRealm"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)"
GUID = <table> {
TransmogInfoSource = <table> {
TooltipData = <table> {
IsUnsellable = <table> {
TooltipRight = <table> {
IsBagAndSlot = <table> {
TooltipLeft = <table> {
IsBindOnEquip = <table> {
IsAppearanceCollected = <table> {
CraftedQuality = <table> {
IsPetCollectable = <table> {
PetLimit = <table> {
PetCount = <table> {
PetSpeciesId = <table> {
IsUnknownAppearance = <table> {
IsConduit = <table> {
IsPetTradeable = <table> {
Type = <table> {
PetType = <table> {
Link = <table> {
Id = <table> {
AppearanceId = <table> {
PetName = <table> {
IsToy = <table> {
IsProfessionEquipment = <table> {
IsCraftingReagent = <table> {
IsAlreadyKnown = <table> {
IsCosmetic = <table> {
SourceId = <table> {
ExpansionPackId = <table> {
IsBindOnUse = <table> {
TotalGoldValue = <table> {
EquipLoc = <table> {
Bag = <table> {
TypeId = <table> {
IsEquipment = <table> {
HasAppearance = <table> {
IsEquipped = <table> {
UnitValue = <table> {
BindType = <table> {
IsAzeriteItem = <table> {
EquipLocName = <table> {
IsUsable = <table> {
IsTransmogEquipment = <table> {
IsEquippable = <table> {
Level = <table> {
IsAccountBound = <table> {
Quality = <table> {
StackSize = <table> {
IsWarboundUntilEquip = <table> {
IsPet = <table> {
TotalValue = <table> {
UnitGoldValue = <table> {
IsWarbound = <table> {
SubType = <table> {
IsSoulbound = <table> {
IsUpgradeable = <table> {
InventoryType = <table> {
Name = <table> {
MinLevel = <table> {
SubTypeId = <table> {
HasUseAbility = <table> {
Slot = <table> {
Count = <table> {
Addon = <table> {
MerchantButton = <table> {
c_Config_Tooltip_Rule = "tooltip_addrule"
RuleType = <table> {
DefaultConfig = <table> {
c_Config_Tooltip = "tooltip_basic"
c_Config_SellThrottle = "sell_throttle"
RuleConfig = <table> {
IsDebug = false
Systems = <table> {
RuleManager = <table> {
c_Config_MerchantData = "merchantdata"
ActionType = <table> {
ruleManager = <table> {
IsClassic = false
= <table> {
= <table> {
Colors = <table> {
c_PrintColorCode = "|cffff8040"
eventBroker = <table> {
RuleSource = <table> {
c_APIMethodColorCode = "|cffffff00"
ComponentManager = <table> {
c_ItemSellerThreadName = "ItemSeller"
c_Config_ShowItemDialog = "show_item_dialog"
c_Config_AutoSell = "autosell"
Profile = <table> {
Public = <table> {
c_Config_ThrottleTime = "throttle_time"
= 1
ScriptReference = <table> {
c_Config_AutoRepair = "autorepair"
c_Config_MaxSellItems = "max_items_to_sell"
Maps = <table> {
SystemListId = <table> {
RARE_BLUE_COLOR = <table> {
CommonUI = <table> {
OnHistoryChanged = <table> {
ListType = <table> {
Features = <table> {
Extensions = <table> {
c_Config_RefreshThrottle = "refresh_throttle"
DependencyInit = <table> {
Config = <table> {
c_DefaultLocale = "enUS"
Events = <table> {
Rules = <table> {
c_Config_GuildRepair = "guildrepair"
c_ThrottleTime = 0.150000
c_BuybackLimit = 12
c_Config_MinimapData = "minimapdata"
c_Config_SellLimit = "autosell_limit"
UseProfile = <table> {
ReleaseNotes = <table> {