Vocal Raid Assistant

Vocal Raid Assistant


Missing / Broken Spells

nyy23 opened this issue ยท 3 comments


Via Discord:

Name ID Status
Intercession BattleRess - See #202
Racial CCs Too generic
Havoc Meta (Included but Broken?) Waiting for merge #237
Drums of Fury (Included but Broken?) Broken
Cheat Deaths (Included but Broken?) ie; Last Resort, Purgatory, Cheat Death, Cauterize, Defy Fate Might be hard to detect
Rage of the Sleeper 200851 missing
Well Honed Instincts 340553 missing - SPELL_AURA_APPLIED, depends on #237
Cauterizing Flame 374251 Already present
Time Stop 378441 45s CD PvP Talent
Feign Death 5384
Supernova 157980 25s CD
Sentinel 393480 (???) Very Complex spell, not sure how to track this.
Ultimate Penitence 421453 missing
Doom Winds 384352 missing
Marked for Death (Incorrectly in Shaman Section) will be moved
Spatial Paradox 406732 missing

Hello, following up here with a few comments to clarify where necessary:

  • Racial CCs/Abilities

  • Cheat Deaths | Most of these seem like they'll be fixed with #237? Can just track the application of the debuff (ID's provided)

    • Purgatory (Included but Broken) (ID: 114556 ) (Debuff ID: 123981)
    • Cheat Death (Included but Broken) (ID: 31230 ) (Debuff ID: 45181)
    • Cauterize (Included but Broken) (ID: 86949) (Debuff ID: 87024)
    • Last Resort (Included but Broken) (ID: 209258) (Debuff ID: 209261)
    • Defy Fate (Missing) (ID: 404195) (Debuff ID: 404369)
  • Sentinel

    • If unable to monitor the spell cast success, maybe able to monitor aura applied? Not necessary to track anything else outside of successful cast for the audio to be triggered.

Also missing
391054 - Intercession - https://www.wowhead.com/spell=391054/intercession