[Feature Request] Add localization files for GUI
anon1231823 opened this issue · 0 comments
I saw that the strings to translate the GUI for the addon are embedded directly in the main code
Example: From Options.lua
MinimapButtonShow = {
type = "toggle",
order = 1,
name = "Show Minimap Button",
get = function(info) return not Addon.db.profile.MinimapButton.LibDBIcon.hide end,
set = function(info, value)
Addon.db.profile.MinimapButton.LibDBIcon.hide = not value
if value then
But I think we ought to have localization files such that
name = L["Show Minimap Button"],
So then there would be some files like localization.es.lua (and the rest of the locales)
if GetLocale() ~= "esES" and GetLocale() ~= "esMX" then return end
["Show Minimap Button"] = "Mostrar botón del minimapa"