VoiceOver (Classic)

VoiceOver (Classic)


Is it possible to add multilanguage support?

Astraorion opened this issue ยท 6 comments


Not at the moment. The main limitations are technology and cost. Elevenlabs will eventually add other languages but we'd need twice the amout of funds to generate even 1 more language.


Here in Germany wow is very popular, I am sure you would make many people happy


I added some lua to the data package so that the audio can be supported by clients in different languages


if GetLocale() ~= "enUS" then return end
if not VoiceOver or not VoiceOver.DataModules then return end



Not at the moment. The main limitations are technology and cost. Elevenlabs will eventually add other languages but we'd need twice the amout of funds to generate even 1 more language.

Elevenlabs now support a lot of languages. I see there a lot of people that desperately want multilanguage support. Can you give an estimate of the size of funds that are required for this? I think there are enough people to pay for it.


Not at the moment. The main limitations are technology and cost. Elevenlabs will eventually add other languages but we'd need twice the amout of funds to generate even 1 more language.

Elevenlabs now support a lot of languages. I see there a lot of people that desperately want multilanguage support. Can you give an estimate of the size of funds that are required for this? I think there are enough people to pay for it.

Youre correct. The main issue is having a complete text database in other languages. I might be wrong, but as I recall there are quite a few holes for other languages.

I'm building a site that could technically support crowdsourcing voicemodels for other languages so I'm less worried about that.

If someone could take a look at the scraping plan I have in retail-plan.md, that should be enough to slowly pool everything we'd need to ever generate for every version+lang of the game. I don't personally have plans to do that at this time. I want to get the crowdsource website done and generate vanilla, tbc, and wrath with new voices from the site.


This is being worked on. Consolidating discussion of this to: https://discord.gg/KAUhSseXS7