

Database rework reminder!

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This is just a reminder for the Database rework.

From the link above you can see my examples.

Hey, p3lim. Once again thank you for your work.

Currently, I noticed you have to use a Database for each module you make. The below example should explain more.

local General = LibStub("Wasabi"):New(K.Title, "GeneralDB", C.General)
  local Title = self:CreateTitle()
    Title:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 16, -16)
    Title:SetText("General Options")
    local AutoScale_OnEnter = function(self)
        GameTooltip:SetOwner(self, "ANCHOR_TOPLEFT")
        GameTooltip:AddLine("Automatically scale the User Interface based on your screen resolution", 0, 1, 0)
  local AutoScale = self:CreateCheckButton("AutoScale")
    AutoScale:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", Title, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -8)
    AutoScale:SetText("Auto Scale Resolution")
    AutoScale:SetScript("OnEnter", AutoScale_OnEnter)
    AutoScale:SetScript("OnLeave", GameTooltip_Hide)
    local FontSize_OnEnter = function(self)
        GameTooltip:SetOwner(self, "ANCHOR_TOPLEFT")
        GameTooltip:AddLine("Set the font size for everything in UI. Note: This doesn't effect somethings that have their own seperate options (UnitFrame Font, Datatext Font, ect..)", 0, 1, 0)
    local FontSize = self:CreateSlider("FontSize")
    FontSize:SetRange(10, 20)
    FontSize:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", AutoScale, "BOTTOMLEFT", 0, -8)
    FontSize:SetText("Set UI Font Size")
    FontSize:SetScript("OnEnter", FontSize_OnEnter)
    FontSize:SetScript("OnLeave", GameTooltip_Hide)
local ActionBar = General:CreateChild("ActionBar", "ActionBarDB", C.ActionBar)
  local Title = self:CreateTitle()
    Title:SetPoint("TOPLEFT", 16, -16)
    Title:SetText("ActionBar Options")

So, in theory, I am wondering something here. I am wanting to just use one SavedVariable for everything. I just want to use KkthnxUIDB instead of filling ActionBarDB, GeneralDB, NameplatesDB and so on. Now I could have overlooked this as I am still checking out your Lib.

To kinda show what I am wanting is more of a compact Database from your config. Would be a lot cleaner.

KkthnxUIData = {
    ["Stormreaver"] = {
        ["Gripsohard"] = {
            ["SplitBars"] = true,
            ["Movers"] = {
                ["Loot / Alert Frames"] = {
                    "CENTER", -- [1]
                    "UIParent", -- [2]
                    "CENTER", -- [3]
                    -334, -- [4]
                    60.9999656677246, -- [5]
            ["BottomBars"] = 2,
            ["RightBars"] = 1,
            ["InstallComplete"] = true,
            ["BarsLocked"] = true,
        ["Pervie"] = {
            ["SplitBars"] = true,
            ["Movers"] = {
                ["Loot / Alert Frames"] = {
                    "CENTER", -- [1]
                    "UIParent", -- [2]
                    "CENTER", -- [3]
                    -334, -- [4]
                    60.9999656677246, -- [5]
                ["KkthnxUIBuffHeader"] = {
                    "RIGHT", -- [1]
                    "UIParent", -- [2]
                    "RIGHT", -- [3]
                    -324.000183105469, -- [4]
                    119.999938964844, -- [5]
            ["BottomBars"] = 2,
            ["RightBars"] = 1,
            ["InstallComplete"] = true,
            ["BarsLocked"] = true,

I could add an option to specify a table key to use within an existing table. It wouldn't be completely merged like you wanted, but it would be in one parent table.
Something like this: Wasabi:New(name, 'KkthnxUIData', 'General', defaults)

KkthnxUIData = {
    ["General"] = {
        ["AutoScale"] = true,
        ["FontSize"] = 13,
    ["ActionBars"] = {
        ["BarsLocked"] = true,

Another alternative is simply allowing no savedvariable passed to sub-frames, let them leech off the main one. I'll see what I'll do.

Also, next version will have profile management, so yo won't need to implement that yourself.


You simply rock! Looking forward to the profile management. Thank you for the info.


This one is sadly delayed as I can't really find a good way to implement this.
Profiles are still being considered though, but sub-tables sadly won't be.

Superseded by #1.