


Add encounter IDs for Battle of Dazar'alor in load tooltip

sragia opened this issue · 4 comments


List from Causese

  • Champion of the Light: 2265
  • Grong (Alliance: 2284, Horde: 2263)
  • Jadefire Masters (Alliance: 2285, Horde: 2266)
  • Opulence: 2271
  • Conclave: 2268
  • Mekkatorque: 2276
  • Rastakhan: 2272
  • Stormwall Blockade: 2280
  • Jaina: 2281

Encounter Journal IDs are also necessary, from glancing at the code. Do you know what those are by any chance?


It might also be worth extending this load option to accept multiple ids if it doesn’t already (or possibly special-casing these encounter ids), so that we don’t find ourselves in the position of needing 2 otherwise identical sets of auras which load for only alliance or horse.


/run for i = 1,9 do local ejName,ejID= EJ_GetEncounterInfoByIndex(i, 1176),select(3, EJ_GetEncounterInfoByIndex(i, 1176)) print(ejName.." "..ejID) end

alliance: https://i.gyazo.com/5b0a7cadd0fa2cfe27726af0cd2211c8.png
horde: https://i.gyazo.com/791e289c6a95187ec14319af6f3138de.png

and encounterIDs (the ones you put in load tab/exality mentioned) can be found here,
straight from blizzard files:

-- encounterJournalID => encounterID
WeakAuras.encounter_table = {
  -- Uldir
  [2168] = 2144, -- Taloc the Corrupted
  [2167] = 2141, -- MOTHER
  [2146] = 2128, -- Fetid Devourer
  [2169] = 2136, -- Zek'voz, Herald of N'zoth
  [2195] = 2145, -- Zul, Reborn
  [2194] = 2135, -- Mythrax the Unraveler
  [2166] = 2134, -- Vectis
  [2147] = 2122, -- G'huun
  [2344] = 2265, -- Champion of the Light
  -- Battle for Dazar'alor
  [2344] = 2265, -- Champion of the Light (A)
  [2333] = 2265, -- Champion of the Light (H)
  [2340] = 2284, -- Grong, the Revenant (A)
  [2325] = 2263, -- Grong, the Jungle Lord (H)
  [2323] = 2285, -- Jadefire Masters (A)
  [2341] = 2266, -- Jadefire Masters (H)
  [2342] = 2271, -- Opulence
  [2330] = 2268, -- Conclave of the Chosen
  [2334] = 2276, -- High Tinker Mekkatorque
  [2335] = 2272, -- King Rastakhan
  [2337] = 2280, -- Stormwall Blockade
  [2343] = 2281, -- Lady Jaina Proudmoore

champion of the light seems to have a different EJ entry per faction as well, should not matter though?