Wago browse inside of WA client.
1ps3 opened this issue ยท 6 comments
It would be kind of nice to have the option of browsing WeakAuras from wago inside of the WA client. Obviously this would have to be done through something like the companion, having it store url's strings and the like for the user to browe through and preview. Maybe a preview button would be nice too, to import an aura set and see what it looks like.
Both, though I think the entire wago website is a bit much, something like top 20 auras wouldn't be too bad though. Just the string
So I certainly don't want to bundle the "top" auras in WeakAuras.
But as a separate addon, or manged by wago, it would actually be feasiable. Even the biggest auras, e.g. raid boss mods are less than 50kb, so more than 200 auras would fit into a 10 MB download.
Although I'm not too interested in the idea of downloading them just in case.
I have always been of the opinion that WeakAuras addon should not marry itself too closely with Wago (or any other similar project). So, my opinion is to give this request a hard pass, as it stands. If it were to be built, it would need to be an external addon that interfaces with WeakAuras, instead of a builtin feature.