Keys/Values of objects which are empty strings are not deserializeable
kevincuomo opened this issue ยท 9 comments
I have reinstalled 4-5 times, tried everything i can thing of but nothing is working. When i import a new WA it just says there are no children in the WA and its grey, most the time i have to reload UI to even delete a WA.
My existing WA's still work but i cannot add more. Any help would save my life, thank you!
I tried a few Weak Auras but this one mostly
Is this what you wanted?
-- all this is is a frame that ensures that the SV is a table type
local addonName = ...
local loader = CreateFrame("FRAME")
loader:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, _, addon)
if addon == addonName then
if type(WeakAurasArchive) ~= "table" then
WeakAurasArchive = {}
No, the files located at WTF\Account\<Account #>\SavedVariables\WeakAuras.lua
and WTF\Account\<Account #>\SavedVariables\WeakAurasArchive.lua
thank you for taking the time to try and help me with this, i really appreciate it.
Hey, thanks for the report. I've located the source of the bug, and a permanent fix will be published soon. In the meantime, you can replace your WeakAurasArchive file that you uploaded with this doctored version:, and you should be able to use WeakAuras as you normally do.
Sorry about the inconvenience, and have a nice evening!
Closing as the issue is in an external dependency, issue will be tracked here.