


Default triggers need a fallback UnitGUID() check

Causese opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Describe the bug

UnitExists() == true is not a reliable indicator to check if the bosse's energy/cast/... etc can be tracked.
Weakauras currently solely uses UnitExists() to check whether it should display information or not.

There have been a bunch of cases where UnitExists() results to false but the Energy/Cast etc can still be tracked.

To mention a few:

  • Immerseus during the submerge phase
  • Jaina (the ship bossframes return false on UnitExists check)
  • upcoming boss Shriekwing (during phase 2), can't track its energy/casts without code because of UnitExists check

Do you have an error log of what happened?
no error

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Import https://wago.io/25_3Y5h0U
  2. Pull Immserseus boss and make him submerge by depleting his health
  3. While submerged, kill blobs that spawn in the corners, each blob will remove a bit of his energy
  4. notice how default trigger doesn't pick it up and the coded one does. check chat for proof


Did you try having WeakAuras as the only enabled addon and everything else (especially something like ElvUI) disabled?
not necessary

Which version of WeakAuras are you using?

Are you on World of Warcraft Classic or Retail?

  • Classic
  • Retail
  • Shadowlands

Was it working in a previous version? If yes, which was the last good one?

Additional Info

A fallback or maybe even exclusive UnitGUID() check would prevent the issue.
according to buds, weakauras uses solely UnitExists():