


shadowlands pre-patch errors - WA 3.0.1

glofiondial opened this issue ยท 2 comments


i'm fairly certain this is a me issue, and not a WA issue, but any help is appreciated. on a clean install, no issues. on an install where my old weakauras.lua file is used i get these 2 errors, and cannot load /wa. thanks for any help - i just don't want to have to re-create all of the auras i had made :(

1x WeakAuras\SubRegionTypes\SubText.lua:409: attempt to call method 'AnchorSubRegion' (a nil value)
[string "@WeakAuras\SubRegionTypes\SubText.lua"]:409: in function UpdateAnchor' [string "@WeakAuras\SubRegionTypes\SubText.lua"]:412: in function modify'
[string "@WeakAuras\RegionTypes\RegionPrototype.lua"]:611: in function modifyFinish' [string "@WeakAuras\RegionTypes\Text.lua"]:278: in function modify'
[string "@WeakAuras\WeakAuras-3.0.1.lua"]:2863: in function SetRegion' [string "@WeakAuras\WeakAuras.lua"]:2758: in function <WeakAuras\WeakAuras.lua:2664> [string "@WeakAuras\WeakAuras.lua"]:2793: in function Add'
[string "@WeakAuras\WeakAuras.lua"]:2324: in function load' [string "@WeakAuras\WeakAuras.lua"]:2331: in function AddMany'
[string "@WeakAuras\WeakAuras.lua"]:1010: in function <WeakAuras\WeakAuras.lua:982>

[string "@WeakAuras\WeakAuras-3.0.1.lua"]:1132: in function <WeakAuras\WeakAuras.lua:1083>

error 2(there's a lot more after the "locals" part, but it would be very long to add).
1x WeakAuras\RegionTypes\Icon.lua:8: attempt to call method 'AddType' (a nil value)
[string "@WeakAuras\RegionTypes\Icon.lua"]:8: in main chunk

AddonName = "WeakAuras"
Private =

HandleGlowAction = defined @WeakAuras\WeakAuras.lua:3126
frame_strata_types =
combat_event_type =
frameLevels =


I'm having this issue as well. When I clear my WeakAura settings from the WTF folder the issue "disappears", but immediately happens when I import an aura again. Really frustrating, and makes WA unusable/near-unusable.

EDIT: Turns out my issue was being caused by Masque. Didn't expect that. Disabled it and it worked. Got a new version of Masque running now and WA seems to be running fine, all old auras in tact. Not sure if OP's issue is the same or a different cause.


how2pingu - thanks for your edit - since masque was working i didn't even think of it, but updating masque worked and removed all of the above errors. knew it had to be a me problem!

thanks everyone!