


Error importing WA updates

yajinni opened this issue ยท 1 comments


After updating some WA's with the companion. Using the latest release and beta, when i click the circle ingame to update them i get this error:

6x WeakAuras\Transmission.lua:1305: attempt to get length of field 'controlledChildren' (a nil value)
[string "@WeakAuras\Transmission.lua"]:1305: in function <WeakAuras\Transmission.lua:1255>
[string "@WeakAuras\Transmission.lua"]:1704: in function `Import'
[string "@WeakAurasOptions\AceGUI-Widgets\AceGUIWidget-WeakAurasDisplayButton.lua"]:815: in function <...eGUI-Widgets\AceGUIWidget-WeakAurasDisplayButton.lua:812>

data =

controlledChildren =
borderBackdrop = "Blizzard Tooltip"
authorOptions =
yOffset = 0
anchorPoint = "CENTER"
borderColor =
url = "https://wago.io/IX1t89U6H/24"
actions =
triggers =
internalVersion = 38
animation =
version = 24
subRegions =
load =
backdropColor =
scale = 1
border = false
borderEdge = "Square Full White"
regionType = "group"
borderSize = 2
ignoreOptionsEventErrors = true
borderOffset = 4
semver = "1.0.23"
tocversion = 90001
id = "Nexus Sx Ny'alotha"
frameStrata = 1
anchorFrameType = "SCREEN"
uid = "NZ5zkpjxTG7"
xOffset = 0
config =
conditions =
borderInset = 1
selfPoint = "BOTTOMLEFT"
children =
1 =
2 =
3 =
4 =
5 =
6 =
7 =
8 =
9 =
10 =
11 =
12 =
13 =
14 =
15 =
16 =
17 =
18 =
19 =
20 =
21 =
22 =
23 =
24 =
25 =
26 =
27 =
28 =
29 =
30 =
31 =
32 =
33 =
34 =
35 =
36 =
37 =
38 =
39 =
40 =
41 =
42 =
43 =
44 =
45 =
46 =
47 =
48 =
49 =
50 =
51 =
52 =
target =
sparkWidth = 2
sparkOffsetX = 0
color =
preferToUpdate = false
customText = "function()
if aura_env.state and aura_env.state.tooltip1 then
return AbbreviateNumbers(aura_env.state.tooltip1)

yOffset = -11.000046
anchorPoint = "CENTER"
zoom = 0.300000
borderBackdrop = "None"
sparkRotation = 0
sparkRotationMode = "AUTO"
url = "https://wago.io/IX1t89U6H/22"
actions =

triggers =
icon_color =
internalVersion = 38
useAdjustedMin = false
animation =
backdropInFront = false
xOffset = 0
barColor =
stickyDuration = false
authorOptions =
semver = "1.0.21"
version = 22
subRegions =
height = 33
customTextUpdate = "update"
load =
sparkBlendMode = "ADD"
useAdjustededMax = false
backgroundColor =
selfPoint = "CENTER"
desaturate = false
icon = false
useAdjustedMax = false
smoothProgress = true
useAdjustededMin = false
regionType = "aurabar"
borderInFront = true
ignoreOptionsEventErrors = true
icon_side = "RIGHT"
sparkOffsetY = 0
backdropColor =
sparkHeight = 35
texture = "Flat"
uid = "UKmGSuUcVAo"
sparkTexture = "WeakAuras\Media\Textures\Square_FullWhite"
auto = true
tocversion = 80300
id = "Maut - Mana Pool"
anchorFrameType = "SCREEN"
frameStrata = 1
width = 300
alpha = 1
config =
inverse = false
sparkHidden = "NEVER"
orientation = "HORIZONTAL"
conditions =
spark = true
sparkColor =
oldParent =
sparkWidth = 2
sparkOffsetX = 0
color =
preferToUpdate = false
customText = "function()
if aura_env.state and aura_env.state.tooltip1 then
return AbbreviateNumbers(aura_env.state.tooltip1)

yOffset = -11.000046
anchorPoint = "CENTER"
zoom = 0.300000
borderBackdrop = "None"
sparkRotation = 0
sparkRotationMode = "AUTO"
url = "https://wago.io/IX1t89U6H/22"
actions =

triggers =
icon_color =
internalVersion = 38
useAdjustedMin = false
animation =
backdropInFront = false
xOffset = 0
barColor =
stickyDuration = false
authorOptions =


We obviously need your settings + information which auras you are trying to update. Please provide them.