


Easy option to display GCD/Range/Resource options for spell icons

GadgetC opened this issue ยท 1 comments


It would be extremely nice if there was an easy option(s) to display a spell/item icon as it would be displayed on the action bar.
Specifically, I am requesting the following to be preset options:

  • The spell icon turns red when it is out of range
  • The spell icon is dimmed when you do not have the resources to cast it
  • The GCD cooldown swipe is displayed on the spell icon

Additional context
Doing all of the above is apparently possible already, but for someone like me with no programming/scripting knowledge, I am really struggling to figure out how to implement all these things for an icon which feels like it should be easy to do.


There's no need for any programming knowledge to use these.

The spell cooldown trigger pvovides conditions to apply any change you want for out of range, or resource checks.
It also has a extra option for displaying the gcd.

The New From Template / Abilities section can create icons that have te first two as a default.