


Y-offset for multiple elements in a dynamic group is container based, not element based

c048 opened this issue ยท 1 comments



I want to start of to say that this is first and foremost more of a "is how the addon is supposed to work, or if it's actually a bug?" question. I'm not trying to state that 'this is how I believe it should work, damnit!'.

To describe my issue;

E.g., multiple elements with a height of 1px with an y-offset of 12;

  • the first element starts at a height of 12.
  • The second starts at a height of 13 (offset 12 + 1px from previous bar height)
  • the fourth at 14 (offset 12 + 2px from previous bar height)
  • ect...

This translates to a static offset 12 from the bottom of the container. Basically 12px + (n)px, with n = amount of bars.

I would expect this to be working as followed (same setup);

  • the first element starts at a height of 12.
  • The second starts at a height of 25 (offset 24 + 1px from previous bar height)
  • the fourth starts at a height of 38 (offset 36 + 2px from previous bars)
  • ect...

This translates to an offset 12 from the previous element. Basically 12*(n)px + (n)px, with n = amount of bars.

Thank you for your time and dedication to this wonderful project.


Yes that's how it's supposed to work.