TBC on Entering world: table index is nil
caffeineaddiction opened this issue ยท 5 comments
Describe the bug
I loaded into TBC Beta v2.5.1.38169 and got an LUA error
Do you have an error log of what happened?
Message: ...e\AddOns\WeakAuras\Libs\LibClassicDurations\core.lua:116: table index is nil
Time: Thu Apr 1 16:15:25 2021
Count: 1
Stack: ...e\AddOns\WeakAuras\Libs\LibClassicDurations\core.lua:116: table index is nil
[string "@Interface\AddOns\WeakAuras\Libs\LibClassicDurations\core.lua"]:116: in function `Spell'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\WeakAuras\Libs\LibClassicDurations\classAbilities.lua"]:247: in main chunk
Locals: id = 23234
opts = <table> {
type = "BUFF"
duration = 15
lastRankID = 23234
spellName = nil
(*temporary) = <table> {
Sleep = 1090
Freedom = 9774
Invulnerability = 3169
Dazed = 1604
Spell Vulnerability = 23605
Fire Reflector = 23097
Abolish Poison = 14253
Thunderfury = 27648
Net-o-Matic = 16566
Poison Mushroom = 6727
Reckless Charge = 13327
Goblin Rocket Boots = 8892
Shadow Reflector = 23132
Running Speed = 9175
Berserking = 26635
Goblin Mortar = 13237
Gnomish Rocket Boots = 13141
Perception = 20600
Armor Shatter = 16928
Speed = 14530
Free Action = 6615
Restoration = 11359
Self Invulnerability = 16621
Thorium Grenade = 19769
Aura of Protection = 23506
Flash Bomb = 5134
Earthshaker = 21152
Frost Reflector = 23131
The Burrower's Shell = 29506
First Aid = 24414
Iron Grenade = 4068
Gnomish Mind Control Cap = 13181
Damage Absorb = 23991
Honorless Target = 2479
Flee = 5024
Fearless = 12733
Recently Bandaged = 11196
Living Free Action = 24364
Tidal Charm = 835
(*temporary) = "number"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "table index is nil"
GetSpellInfo = <function> defined =[C]:-1
spellNameToID = <table> {
Sleep = 1090
Freedom = 9774
Invulnerability = 3169
Dazed = 1604
Spell Vulnerability = 23605
Fire Reflector = 23097
Abolish Poison = 14253
Thunderfury = 27648
Net-o-Matic = 16566
Poison Mushroom = 6727
Reckless Charge = 13327
Goblin Rocket Boots = 8892
Shadow Reflector = 23132
Running Speed = 9175
Berserking = 26635
Goblin Mortar = 13237
Gnomish Rocket Boots = 13141
Perception = 20600
Armor Shatter = 16928
Speed = 14530
Free Action = 6615
Restoration = 11359
Self Invulnerability = 16621
Thorium Grenade = 19769
Aura of Protection = 23506
Flash Bomb = 5134
Earthshaker = 21152
Frost Reflector = 23131
The Burrower's Shell = 29506
First Aid = 24414
Iron Grenade = 4068
Gnomish Mind Control Cap = 13181
Damage Absorb = 23991
Honorless Target = 2479
Flee = 5024
Fearless = 12733
Recently Bandaged = 11196
Living Free Action = 24364
Tidal Charm = 835
spells = <table> {
24364 = <table> {
6727 = <table> {
16621 = <table> {
13138 = <table> {
23991 = <table> {
13141 = <table> {
23493 = <table> {
1604 = <table> {
23505 = <table> {
23132 = <table> {
20600 = <table> {
5024 = <table> {
24414 = <table> {
6615 = <table> {
16566 = <table> {
18608 = <table> {
18610 = <table> {
21152 = <table> {
13181 = <table> {
23696 = <table> {
3169 = <table> {
19769 = <table> {
25746 = <table> {
25750 = <table> {
3267 = <table> {
2379 = <table> {
23605 = <table> {
9774 = <table> {
746 = <table> {
8892 = <table> {
23506 = <table> {
23131 = <table> {
21992 = <table> {
24413 = <table> {
13099 = <table> {
16928 = <table> {
11196 = <table> {
835 = <table> {
26635 = <table> {
23451 = <table> {
14253 = <table> {
11359 = <table> {
9175 = <table> {
13237 = <table> {
12733 = <table> {
13327 = <table> {
29506 = <table> {
4068 = <table> {
23568 = <table> {
23569 = <table> {
26740 = <table> {
7926 = <table> {
24412 = <table> {
7927 = <table> {
10838 = <table> {
10839 = <table> {
27648 = <table> {
1090 = <table> {
25747 = <table> {
2479 = <table> {
23097 = <table> {
3268 = <table> {
1159 = <table> {
14530 = <table> {
5134 = <table> {
23567 = <table> {
Message: ...ras\Libs\LibClassicCasterino\LibClassicCasterino.lua:618: table index is nil
Time: Thu Apr 1 16:20:25 2021
Count: 1
Stack: ...ras\Libs\LibClassicCasterino\LibClassicCasterino.lua:618: table index is nil
[string "@Interface\AddOns\WeakAuras\Libs\LibClassicCasterino\LibClassicCasterino.lua"]:618: in main chunk
Locals: MAJOR = "LibClassicCasterino"
MINOR = 36
lib = <table> {
casters = <table> {
UnitCastingInfo = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WeakAuras\Libs\LibClassicCasterino\LibClassicCasterino.lua:336
callbacks = <table> {
RegisterCallback = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WeakAuras\Libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:90
movecheckGUIDs = <table> {
UnregisterCallback = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WeakAuras\Libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:153
frame = <unnamed> {
UnitChannelInfo = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WeakAuras\Libs\LibClassicCasterino\LibClassicCasterino.lua:365
UnregisterAllCallbacks = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WeakAuras\Libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:174
f = <unnamed> {
0 = <userdata>
COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WeakAuras\Libs\LibClassicCasterino\LibClassicCasterino.lua:175
UNIT_SPELLCAST_START = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WeakAuras\Libs\LibClassicCasterino\LibClassicCasterino.lua:379
UNIT_SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_START = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WeakAuras\Libs\LibClassicCasterino\LibClassicCasterino.lua:379
UNIT_SPELLCAST_DELAYED = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WeakAuras\Libs\LibClassicCasterino\LibClassicCasterino.lua:379
UNIT_SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_UPDATE = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WeakAuras\Libs\LibClassicCasterino\LibClassicCasterino.lua:379
UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WeakAuras\Libs\LibClassicCasterino\LibClassicCasterino.lua:379
UNIT_SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_STOP = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WeakAuras\Libs\LibClassicCasterino\LibClassicCasterino.lua:379
UNIT_SPELLCAST_STOP = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WeakAuras\Libs\LibClassicCasterino\LibClassicCasterino.lua:379
UNIT_SPELLCAST_INTERRUPTED = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WeakAuras\Libs\LibClassicCasterino\LibClassicCasterino.lua:379
UNIT_SPELLCAST_FAILED = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WeakAuras\Libs\LibClassicCasterino\LibClassicCasterino.lua:379
callbacks = <table> {
recurse = 0
events = <table> {
OnUsed = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WeakAuras\Libs\LibClassicCasterino\LibClassicCasterino.lua:394
Fire = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WeakAuras\Libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:59
OnUnused = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WeakAuras\Libs\LibClassicCasterino\LibClassicCasterino.lua:413
casters = <table> {
movecheckGUIDs = <table> {
UnitGUID = <function> defined =[C]:-1
bit_band = <function> defined =[C]:-1
GetSpellInfo = <function> defined =[C]:-1
GetTime = <function> defined =[C]:-1
CastingInfo = <function> defined =[C]:-1
ChannelInfo = <function> defined =[C]:-1
GetUnitSpeed = <function> defined =[C]:-1
UnitIsUnit = <function> defined =[C]:-1
classCasts = <table> {
10468 = 1.500000
24239 = 1
10216 = 3
126 = 5
10605 = 2.500000
19943 = 1.500000
17923 = 1.500000
5784 = 3
25297 = 3.500000
759 = 3
6358 = 1.500000
25307 = 3
25309 = 2
25311 = 2
688 = 10
17951 = 3
17953 = 3
982 = 10
2053 = 2.500000
20755 = 3
20757 = 3
19769 = 1
10917 = 1.500000
6366 = 3
8690 = 10
14327 = 1.500000
2641 = 5
1002 = 2
20773 = 10
17727 = 5
28270 = 1.500000
13819 = 3
25294 = 0.500000
20904 = 3
25357 = 3
10140 = 3
11763 = 2
1842 = 2
3552 = 3
10623 = 2.500000
20777 = 10
11416 = 10
11417 = 10
11418 = 10
11419 = 10
11420 = 10
2645 = 3
6196 = 2
20770 = 10
15208 = 3
18658 = 1.500000
10326 = 1.500000
23214 = 3
10054 = 3
12826 = 1.
Message: (null)
Time: Thu Apr 1 16:20:27 2021
Count: 9
Message: ...e\AddOns\WeakAuras\Libs\LibClassicDurations\core.lua:144: table index is nil
Time: Thu Apr 1 16:20:34 2021
Count: 1
Stack: ...e\AddOns\WeakAuras\Libs\LibClassicDurations\core.lua:144: table index is nil
[string "@Interface\AddOns\WeakAuras\Libs\LibClassicDurations\core.lua"]:144: in function <...e\AddOns\WeakAuras\Libs\LibClassicDurations\core.lua:139>
[string "@Interface\SharedXML\C_TimerAugment.lua"]:16: in function <Interface\SharedXML\C_TimerAugment.lua:14>
Locals: dataTable = <table> {
28616 = 30
24713 = 3600
16587 = 600
7236 = 3600
7252 = 3600
14534 = 300
16843 = 4
7300 = 1800
21066 = 10
25289 = 120
17227 = 120
7396 = 30
14822 = 15
17483 = 6
17547 = 5
10855 = 10
10951 = 600
26121 = 8
15366 = 3600
15398 = 8
22666 = 6
22730 = 600
15494 = 10
7764 = 1800
7812 = 30
15654 = 18
7844 = 1800
19275 = 15
11719 = 30
15878 = 3
27721 = 3600
11879 = 5
8052 = 12
8068 = 1800
8100 = 1800
8116 = 1800
24394 = 3
16326 = 600
4101 = 6
16460 = 1800
20619 = 10
4149 = 10
2091 = 12
8392 = 10
12551 = 10
21067 = 10
8552 = 120
17292 = 30
543 = 30
17484 = 30
17548 = 3600
553 = 30
12967 = 15
30089 = 3600
8936 = 21
9032 = 30
18124 = 27
9128 = 120
9192 = 120
26634 = 604800
9256 = 10
22667 = 15
22731 = 27
22859 = 5
589 = 18
13543 = 5
18956 = 30
595 = 30
23179 = 1200
9576 = 10
4805 = 15
603 = 60
605 = 60
9736 = 30
27722 = 3600
9800 = 60
19660 = 60
9896 = 12
19852 = 300
24011 = 10
9992 = 10
24203 = 30
14183 = 10
20236 = 120
20300 = 10
14279 = 8
28618 = 1
24587 = 10
16461 = 1800
20620 = 300
16717 = 5
14535 = 300
10472 = 8
29194 = 120
21068 = 24
2651 = 15
17165 = 3
17293 = 8
5365 = 20
673 = 3600
5413 = 120
10856 = 8
10888 = 8
17741 = 60
10952 = 600
687 = 1800
689 = 5
18125 = 600
5573 = 8
699 = 5
22412 = 30
703 = 18
2819 = 12
707 = 15
709 = 5
18765 = 20
22924 = 10
18957 = 30
5781 = 30
23244 = 4
731 = 8
2947 = 180
5909 = 600
19597 = 900
745 = 10
16071 = 300
12040 = 30
755 = 10
16231 = 120
3043 = 20
20301 = 10
6117 = 1800
16359 = 30
8233 = 1.500000
24716 = 3
775 = 8
6213 = 15
6229 = 30
12520 = 4
785 = 20
3147 = 12
17038 = 1200
3163 = 3600
17230 = 300
8649 = 30
6405 = 180
3219 = 3600
25804 = 900
12968 = 15
13032 = 60
3267 = 7
6581 = 10
13224 = 15
829 = 30
833 = 10
835 = 3
837 = 6
839 = 30
18702 = 60
6741 = 20
3387 = 120
849 = 60
851 = 10
853 = 3
855 = 30
3427 = 300
6869 = 2
3443 = 15
863 = 60
865 = 8
867 = 30
13896 = 15
871 = 10
23885 = 8
877 = 30
7045 = 60
14120 = 30
885 = 120
3547 = 8
24333 = 2
7125 = 120
14280 = 8
28620 = 2
3603 = 15
10345 = 20
905 = 600
3627 = 12
3635 = 6
10473 = 8
3651 = 10
25165 = 15
29388 = 12
7365 = 30
3699 = 10
14888 = 1800
10857 = 35
3747 = 30
17743 = 120
10953 = 15
945 = 600
11113 = 6
7621 = 10
22478 = 15
11273 = 6
11305 = 15
22734 = 30
15656 = 15
23182 = 900
11657 = 20
15784 = 60
11721 = 300
15848 = 1800
23694 = 5
15976 = 10
19727 = 3600
23886 = 8
8037 = 8
8053 = 12
1009 = 5
16168 = 20
8101 = 1800
8117 = 1800
4067 = 2
20303 = 10
4083 = 30
28621 = 2
4102 = 15
20559 = 6
4134 = 10
1038 = 300
4166 = 3
8362 = 20
24974 = 12
12521 = 3
1058 = 12
1062 = 15
29325 = 25
8554 = 2
17168 = 10
8650 = 30
1086 = 1800
1090 = 30
1094 = 15
1098 = 300
25806 = 30
17680 = 60
12969 = 15
8938 = 21
1126 = 1800
1130 = 120
1138 = 60
22415 = 10
22479 = 6
29252 = 5
301100 = 3
22735 = 7200
19710 = 900
22863 = 10
31562 = 6
31466 = 1
9482 = 30
13951 = 20
23183 = 12
9578 = 10
31316 = 0.100000
13737 = 5
27534 = 6
19408 = 8
9738 = 120
29220 = 300
30918 = 1
9834 = 12
28011 = 120
9898 = 30
9930 = 30
27556 = 15
30805 = 10
28754 = 15
28825 = 8
30441 = 30
24335 = 12
24596 = 120
14275 = 20
28622 = 60
10250 = 30
20560 = 6
20624 = 3600
16593 = 120
30336 = 7200
1302 = 45
24975 = 12
29134 = 5
5254 = 30
18791 = 1800
30297 = 1800
5302 = 5
30285 = 15
30238 = 1800
29198 = 120
To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Delete my WTF folder
- Log In
Did you try having WeakAuras as the only enabled addon and everything else (especially something like ElvUI) disabled?
Which version of WeakAuras are you using?
Interface: 11306
Title: WeakAuras
Author: The WeakAuras Team
Version: 3.2.1
Are you on World of Warcraft Classic or Retail?
- Classic
- Classic TBC Beta v2.5.1.38169
- Retail
Was it working in a previous version? If yes, which was the last good one?
N/A addons where previously turned off in beta ... they just recently where turned on for testing
Additional Info
I deleted all of my auras to verify it wasnt my janky custom code ... its a fresh WTF folder
I just tested with the files we distribute at https://github.com/WeakAuras/WeakAuras2/releases/tag/bc-alpha-1 without any error.
Did you get weakauras tbc from there ?
What is in your savedvariables wa file ?
Do you have to do anything to get that error ?
Did you get weakauras tbc from there ?
nope, copied over weakaura files from classic to classic_beta
I will download and use bc-alpha-1 instead, ty
What is in your savedvariables wa file ?
Nothing, Deleted my entire WTF folder and reproduced error
Do you have to do anything to get that error ?
Nope, just logged in
Did you get weakauras tbc from there ?
nope, copied over weakaura files from classic to classic_beta
This should fix it