


TBC on Entering world: table index is nil

caffeineaddiction opened this issue ยท 5 comments


Describe the bug

I loaded into TBC Beta v2.5.1.38169 and got an LUA error

Do you have an error log of what happened?

Message: ...e\AddOns\WeakAuras\Libs\LibClassicDurations\core.lua:116: table index is nil
Time: Thu Apr  1 16:15:25 2021
Count: 1
Stack: ...e\AddOns\WeakAuras\Libs\LibClassicDurations\core.lua:116: table index is nil
[string "@Interface\AddOns\WeakAuras\Libs\LibClassicDurations\core.lua"]:116: in function `Spell'
[string "@Interface\AddOns\WeakAuras\Libs\LibClassicDurations\classAbilities.lua"]:247: in main chunk

Locals: id = 23234
opts = <table> {
 type = "BUFF"
 duration = 15
lastRankID = 23234
spellName = nil
(*temporary) = <table> {
 Sleep = 1090
 Freedom = 9774
 Invulnerability = 3169
 Dazed = 1604
 Spell Vulnerability = 23605
 Fire Reflector = 23097
 Abolish Poison = 14253
 Thunderfury = 27648
 Net-o-Matic = 16566
 Poison Mushroom = 6727
 Reckless Charge = 13327
 Goblin Rocket Boots = 8892
 Shadow Reflector = 23132
 Running Speed = 9175
 Berserking = 26635
 Goblin Mortar = 13237
 Gnomish Rocket Boots = 13141
 Perception = 20600
 Armor Shatter = 16928
 Speed = 14530
 Free Action = 6615
 Restoration = 11359
 Self Invulnerability = 16621
 Thorium Grenade = 19769
 Aura of Protection = 23506
 Flash Bomb = 5134
 Earthshaker = 21152
 Frost Reflector = 23131
 The Burrower's Shell = 29506
 First Aid = 24414
 Iron Grenade = 4068
 Gnomish Mind Control Cap = 13181
 Damage Absorb = 23991
 Honorless Target = 2479
 Flee = 5024
 Fearless = 12733
 Recently Bandaged = 11196
 Living Free Action = 24364
 Tidal Charm = 835
(*temporary) = "number"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "table index is nil"
GetSpellInfo = <function> defined =[C]:-1
spellNameToID = <table> {
 Sleep = 1090
 Freedom = 9774
 Invulnerability = 3169
 Dazed = 1604
 Spell Vulnerability = 23605
 Fire Reflector = 23097
 Abolish Poison = 14253
 Thunderfury = 27648
 Net-o-Matic = 16566
 Poison Mushroom = 6727
 Reckless Charge = 13327
 Goblin Rocket Boots = 8892
 Shadow Reflector = 23132
 Running Speed = 9175
 Berserking = 26635
 Goblin Mortar = 13237
 Gnomish Rocket Boots = 13141
 Perception = 20600
 Armor Shatter = 16928
 Speed = 14530
 Free Action = 6615
 Restoration = 11359
 Self Invulnerability = 16621
 Thorium Grenade = 19769
 Aura of Protection = 23506
 Flash Bomb = 5134
 Earthshaker = 21152
 Frost Reflector = 23131
 The Burrower's Shell = 29506
 First Aid = 24414
 Iron Grenade = 4068
 Gnomish Mind Control Cap = 13181
 Damage Absorb = 23991
 Honorless Target = 2479
 Flee = 5024
 Fearless = 12733
 Recently Bandaged = 11196
 Living Free Action = 24364
 Tidal Charm = 835
spells = <table> {
 24364 = <table> {
 6727 = <table> {
 16621 = <table> {
 13138 = <table> {
 23991 = <table> {
 13141 = <table> {
 23493 = <table> {
 1604 = <table> {
 23505 = <table> {
 23132 = <table> {
 20600 = <table> {
 5024 = <table> {
 24414 = <table> {
 6615 = <table> {
 16566 = <table> {
 18608 = <table> {
 18610 = <table> {
 21152 = <table> {
 13181 = <table> {
 23696 = <table> {
 3169 = <table> {
 19769 = <table> {
 25746 = <table> {
 25750 = <table> {
 3267 = <table> {
 2379 = <table> {
 23605 = <table> {
 9774 = <table> {
 746 = <table> {
 8892 = <table> {
 23506 = <table> {
 23131 = <table> {
 21992 = <table> {
 24413 = <table> {
 13099 = <table> {
 16928 = <table> {
 11196 = <table> {
 835 = <table> {
 26635 = <table> {
 23451 = <table> {
 14253 = <table> {
 11359 = <table> {
 9175 = <table> {
 13237 = <table> {
 12733 = <table> {
 13327 = <table> {
 29506 = <table> {
 4068 = <table> {
 23568 = <table> {
 23569 = <table> {
 26740 = <table> {
 7926 = <table> {
 24412 = <table> {
 7927 = <table> {
 10838 = <table> {
 10839 = <table> {
 27648 = <table> {
 1090 = <table> {
 25747 = <table> {
 2479 = <table> {
 23097 = <table> {
 3268 = <table> {
 1159 = <table> {
 14530 = <table> {
 5134 = <table> {
 23567 = <table> {

Message: ...ras\Libs\LibClassicCasterino\LibClassicCasterino.lua:618: table index is nil
Time: Thu Apr  1 16:20:25 2021
Count: 1
Stack: ...ras\Libs\LibClassicCasterino\LibClassicCasterino.lua:618: table index is nil
[string "@Interface\AddOns\WeakAuras\Libs\LibClassicCasterino\LibClassicCasterino.lua"]:618: in main chunk

Locals: MAJOR = "LibClassicCasterino"
MINOR = 36
lib = <table> {
 casters = <table> {
 UnitCastingInfo = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WeakAuras\Libs\LibClassicCasterino\LibClassicCasterino.lua:336
 callbacks = <table> {
 RegisterCallback = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WeakAuras\Libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:90
 movecheckGUIDs = <table> {
 UnregisterCallback = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WeakAuras\Libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:153
 frame = <unnamed> {
 UnitChannelInfo = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WeakAuras\Libs\LibClassicCasterino\LibClassicCasterino.lua:365
 UnregisterAllCallbacks = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WeakAuras\Libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:174
f = <unnamed> {
 0 = <userdata>
 COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WeakAuras\Libs\LibClassicCasterino\LibClassicCasterino.lua:175
 UNIT_SPELLCAST_START = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WeakAuras\Libs\LibClassicCasterino\LibClassicCasterino.lua:379
 UNIT_SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_START = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WeakAuras\Libs\LibClassicCasterino\LibClassicCasterino.lua:379
 UNIT_SPELLCAST_DELAYED = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WeakAuras\Libs\LibClassicCasterino\LibClassicCasterino.lua:379
 UNIT_SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_UPDATE = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WeakAuras\Libs\LibClassicCasterino\LibClassicCasterino.lua:379
 UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WeakAuras\Libs\LibClassicCasterino\LibClassicCasterino.lua:379
 UNIT_SPELLCAST_CHANNEL_STOP = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WeakAuras\Libs\LibClassicCasterino\LibClassicCasterino.lua:379
 UNIT_SPELLCAST_STOP = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WeakAuras\Libs\LibClassicCasterino\LibClassicCasterino.lua:379
 UNIT_SPELLCAST_INTERRUPTED = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WeakAuras\Libs\LibClassicCasterino\LibClassicCasterino.lua:379
 UNIT_SPELLCAST_FAILED = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WeakAuras\Libs\LibClassicCasterino\LibClassicCasterino.lua:379
callbacks = <table> {
 recurse = 0
 events = <table> {
 OnUsed = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WeakAuras\Libs\LibClassicCasterino\LibClassicCasterino.lua:394
 Fire = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WeakAuras\Libs\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:59
 OnUnused = <function> defined @Interface\AddOns\WeakAuras\Libs\LibClassicCasterino\LibClassicCasterino.lua:413
casters = <table> {
movecheckGUIDs = <table> {
UnitGUID = <function> defined =[C]:-1
bit_band = <function> defined =[C]:-1
GetSpellInfo = <function> defined =[C]:-1
GetTime = <function> defined =[C]:-1
CastingInfo = <function> defined =[C]:-1
ChannelInfo = <function> defined =[C]:-1
GetUnitSpeed = <function> defined =[C]:-1
UnitIsUnit = <function> defined =[C]:-1
classCasts = <table> {
 10468 = 1.500000
 24239 = 1
 10216 = 3
 126 = 5
 10605 = 2.500000
 19943 = 1.500000
 17923 = 1.500000
 5784 = 3
 25297 = 3.500000
 759 = 3
 6358 = 1.500000
 25307 = 3
 25309 = 2
 25311 = 2
 688 = 10
 17951 = 3
 17953 = 3
 982 = 10
 2053 = 2.500000
 20755 = 3
 20757 = 3
 19769 = 1
 10917 = 1.500000
 6366 = 3
 8690 = 10
 14327 = 1.500000
 2641 = 5
 1002 = 2
 20773 = 10
 17727 = 5
 28270 = 1.500000
 13819 = 3
 25294 = 0.500000
 20904 = 3
 25357 = 3
 10140 = 3
 11763 = 2
 1842 = 2
 3552 = 3
 10623 = 2.500000
 20777 = 10
 11416 = 10
 11417 = 10
 11418 = 10
 11419 = 10
 11420 = 10
 2645 = 3
 6196 = 2
 20770 = 10
 15208 = 3
 18658 = 1.500000
 10326 = 1.500000
 23214 = 3
 10054 = 3
 12826 = 1.
Message: (null)
Time: Thu Apr  1 16:20:27 2021
Count: 9
Message: ...e\AddOns\WeakAuras\Libs\LibClassicDurations\core.lua:144: table index is nil
Time: Thu Apr  1 16:20:34 2021
Count: 1
Stack: ...e\AddOns\WeakAuras\Libs\LibClassicDurations\core.lua:144: table index is nil
[string "@Interface\AddOns\WeakAuras\Libs\LibClassicDurations\core.lua"]:144: in function <...e\AddOns\WeakAuras\Libs\LibClassicDurations\core.lua:139>
[string "@Interface\SharedXML\C_TimerAugment.lua"]:16: in function <Interface\SharedXML\C_TimerAugment.lua:14>

Locals: dataTable = <table> {
 28616 = 30
 24713 = 3600
 16587 = 600
 7236 = 3600
 7252 = 3600
 14534 = 300
 16843 = 4
 7300 = 1800
 21066 = 10
 25289 = 120
 17227 = 120
 7396 = 30
 14822 = 15
 17483 = 6
 17547 = 5
 10855 = 10
 10951 = 600
 26121 = 8
 15366 = 3600
 15398 = 8
 22666 = 6
 22730 = 600
 15494 = 10
 7764 = 1800
 7812 = 30
 15654 = 18
 7844 = 1800
 19275 = 15
 11719 = 30
 15878 = 3
 27721 = 3600
 11879 = 5
 8052 = 12
 8068 = 1800
 8100 = 1800
 8116 = 1800
 24394 = 3
 16326 = 600
 4101 = 6
 16460 = 1800
 20619 = 10
 4149 = 10
 2091 = 12
 8392 = 10
 12551 = 10
 21067 = 10
 8552 = 120
 17292 = 30
 543 = 30
 17484 = 30
 17548 = 3600
 553 = 30
 12967 = 15
 30089 = 3600
 8936 = 21
 9032 = 30
 18124 = 27
 9128 = 120
 9192 = 120
 26634 = 604800
 9256 = 10
 22667 = 15
 22731 = 27
 22859 = 5
 589 = 18
 13543 = 5
 18956 = 30
 595 = 30
 23179 = 1200
 9576 = 10
 4805 = 15
 603 = 60
 605 = 60
 9736 = 30
 27722 = 3600
 9800 = 60
 19660 = 60
 9896 = 12
 19852 = 300
 24011 = 10
 9992 = 10
 24203 = 30
 14183 = 10
 20236 = 120
 20300 = 10
 14279 = 8
 28618 = 1
 24587 = 10
 16461 = 1800
 20620 = 300
 16717 = 5
 14535 = 300
 10472 = 8
 29194 = 120
 21068 = 24
 2651 = 15
 17165 = 3
 17293 = 8
 5365 = 20
 673 = 3600
 5413 = 120
 10856 = 8
 10888 = 8
 17741 = 60
 10952 = 600
 687 = 1800
 689 = 5
 18125 = 600
 5573 = 8
 699 = 5
 22412 = 30
 703 = 18
 2819 = 12
 707 = 15
 709 = 5
 18765 = 20
 22924 = 10
 18957 = 30
 5781 = 30
 23244 = 4
 731 = 8
 2947 = 180
 5909 = 600
 19597 = 900
 745 = 10
 16071 = 300
 12040 = 30
 755 = 10
 16231 = 120
 3043 = 20
 20301 = 10
 6117 = 1800
 16359 = 30
 8233 = 1.500000
 24716 = 3
 775 = 8
 6213 = 15
 6229 = 30
 12520 = 4
 785 = 20
 3147 = 12
 17038 = 1200
 3163 = 3600
 17230 = 300
 8649 = 30
 6405 = 180
 3219 = 3600
 25804 = 900
 12968 = 15
 13032 = 60
 3267 = 7
 6581 = 10
 13224 = 15
 829 = 30
 833 = 10
 835 = 3
 837 = 6
 839 = 30
 18702 = 60
 6741 = 20
 3387 = 120
 849 = 60
 851 = 10
 853 = 3
 855 = 30
 3427 = 300
 6869 = 2
 3443 = 15
 863 = 60
 865 = 8
 867 = 30
 13896 = 15
 871 = 10
 23885 = 8
 877 = 30
 7045 = 60
 14120 = 30
 885 = 120
 3547 = 8
 24333 = 2
 7125 = 120
 14280 = 8
 28620 = 2
 3603 = 15
 10345 = 20
 905 = 600
 3627 = 12
 3635 = 6
 10473 = 8
 3651 = 10
 25165 = 15
 29388 = 12
 7365 = 30
 3699 = 10
 14888 = 1800
 10857 = 35
 3747 = 30
 17743 = 120
 10953 = 15
 945 = 600
 11113 = 6
 7621 = 10
 22478 = 15
 11273 = 6
 11305 = 15
 22734 = 30
 15656 = 15
 23182 = 900
 11657 = 20
 15784 = 60
 11721 = 300
 15848 = 1800
 23694 = 5
 15976 = 10
 19727 = 3600
 23886 = 8
 8037 = 8
 8053 = 12
 1009 = 5
 16168 = 20
 8101 = 1800
 8117 = 1800
 4067 = 2
 20303 = 10
 4083 = 30
 28621 = 2
 4102 = 15
 20559 = 6
 4134 = 10
 1038 = 300
 4166 = 3
 8362 = 20
 24974 = 12
 12521 = 3
 1058 = 12
 1062 = 15
 29325 = 25
 8554 = 2
 17168 = 10
 8650 = 30
 1086 = 1800
 1090 = 30
 1094 = 15
 1098 = 300
 25806 = 30
 17680 = 60
 12969 = 15
 8938 = 21
 1126 = 1800
 1130 = 120
 1138 = 60
 22415 = 10
 22479 = 6
 29252 = 5
 301100 = 3
 22735 = 7200
 19710 = 900
 22863 = 10
 31562 = 6
 31466 = 1
 9482 = 30
 13951 = 20
 23183 = 12
 9578 = 10
 31316 = 0.100000
 13737 = 5
 27534 = 6
 19408 = 8
 9738 = 120
 29220 = 300
 30918 = 1
 9834 = 12
 28011 = 120
 9898 = 30
 9930 = 30
 27556 = 15
 30805 = 10
 28754 = 15
 28825 = 8
 30441 = 30
 24335 = 12
 24596 = 120
 14275 = 20
 28622 = 60
 10250 = 30
 20560 = 6
 20624 = 3600
 16593 = 120
 30336 = 7200
 1302 = 45
 24975 = 12
 29134 = 5
 5254 = 30
 18791 = 1800
 30297 = 1800
 5302 = 5
 30285 = 15
 30238 = 1800
 29198 = 120

To Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Delete my WTF folder
  2. Log In



Did you try having WeakAuras as the only enabled addon and everything else (especially something like ElvUI) disabled?

Which version of WeakAuras are you using?

Interface: 11306

Title: WeakAuras

Author: The WeakAuras Team

Version: 3.2.1

Are you on World of Warcraft Classic or Retail?

  • Classic
  • Classic TBC Beta v2.5.1.38169
  • Retail

Was it working in a previous version? If yes, which was the last good one?
N/A addons where previously turned off in beta ... they just recently where turned on for testing

Additional Info

I deleted all of my auras to verify it wasnt my janky custom code ... its a fresh WTF folder


Updated to WeakAuras 3.2.2 Errors are still present


I just tested with the files we distribute at https://github.com/WeakAuras/WeakAuras2/releases/tag/bc-alpha-1 without any error.

Did you get weakauras tbc from there ?
What is in your savedvariables wa file ?
Do you have to do anything to get that error ?


Did you get weakauras tbc from there ?

nope, copied over weakaura files from classic to classic_beta
I will download and use bc-alpha-1 instead, ty

What is in your savedvariables wa file ?

Nothing, Deleted my entire WTF folder and reproduced error

Do you have to do anything to get that error ?

Nope, just logged in


Did you get weakauras tbc from there ?
nope, copied over weakaura files from classic to classic_beta

This should fix it


Confirmed Switching to bc-alpha-1 resolved issue, ty