


UnitFrame glows do not work sometimes even though %unit is valid

kenneth-wow opened this issue ยท 13 comments





Converting to party, dismissing and summoning a pet, and moving players between groups sometimes causes glows to disappear even though %unit is still valid. Video and linked aura show one such example. You'll also notice Rev was inactive in party, probably trying to access raidPetN still or something? Then is not glowed when made a raid but the clone is active again

WeakAuras Version

WeakAuras 3.7.13

World of Warcraft Flavor

The Burning Crusade

Tested with only WeakAuras

  • Yes
  • No

Lua Error

No response

Reproduction Steps

  1. Create SmartBuff - Auto Clone - Any aura that glows unitframes from %unit, pets and players enabled

  2. Convert to party

  3. Convert to raid

  4. Create SmartBuff - Auto Clone - Any aura that glows unitframes from %unit, players enabled

  5. Move players between groups a few times, making sure to have a mix of players who should be glowed or not glowed

  6. Move players to G1

  7. Convert to party

  8. Convert to raid

Also occurs with pet summons, etc

Last Good Version

No response


No response

Export String



@kenneth-wow can you test this change in WeakAuras\Libs\LibGetFrame-1.0\LibGetFrame-1.0.lua mrbuds/LibGetFrame@89a3d72 ?


tested with

still not working, you can see both issues in this clip (working trigger + nonworking glow vs. nonworking trigger)


Remaining issue is covered by #3755


issue is unfixed, maybe worsened in wotlk beta.
example used for testing is a smart group glow for horn of winter missing on players and pets. you can see the text is accurate for active unitnames, but it doesnt match what glows.

few things showcased in this video:

  1. 0:00 not in party
    expected: both player and pet frame should glow
    actual: only pet frame glows

  2. 0:06 invite emmazug to party
    expected: all three frames should glow
    actual: only pet frame glows

  3. 0:12 press horn of winter
    expected: no frame should glow
    actual: no frame glows

  4. 0:15 click off horn of winter on player
    expected: player frame should glow
    actual: no frame glows

  5. 0:35 change to raid style party frames, see if it fixes
    expected: player frame should glow
    actual: no frame glows

  6. 0:36 press horn of winter
    expected: no frame should glow
    actual: no frame glows

  7. 0:40 click off horn of winter on player
    expected: unitframe of player should glow?
    actual: no frame glows


1, 4, 5, 7 is expected as default settings for ignored frames for LibGetFrame (which weakauras doesn't change) are

    ignorePlayerFrame = true,
    ignoreTargetFrame = true,
    ignoreTargettargetFrame = true,
    ignorePartyFrame = false,
    ignorePartyTargetFrame = true,
    ignoreFocusFrame = true,
    ignoreRaidFrame = false,

So player frame is always ignored (or you need a custom function to change options)
Using "Raid-Style Party Frames" for party it mostly work as expected


sorry about that.

here's some further testing regarding converting between party and raid.

it breaks at each step, but a reload fixes it.


@kenneth-wow Can you test with this change? mrbuds@45d6b97 or i can push PR to give you packaged version?


I can reproduce a bug with https://wago.io/flpgRifzR but it's not an issue with the action or glow
every has the aura (no clone should be active)
=> no clone active
=> /reload => pet's clone active
show/hide weakauras options solve it


opened #3755 for this issue unrelated to glows or actions


Tested with that fix. Breaks if a pet is dismissed and resummoned.


Note that the first time it breaks at 0:16 when converted to raid the problem is with the glow,
.When converting to party at 0:30 the problem is not just the glow as you can see the pet's name is no longer shown.


opened #3755 for this issue unrelated to glows or actions

3x WeakAuras\WeakAuras-@[email protected]:3138: attempt to index field 'active_glows_hidefunc' (a nil value)
[string "@WeakAuras\WeakAuras-@[email protected]"]:3138: in function <WeakAuras\WeakAuras.lua:3110>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@LibSharedMedia-3.0-8020003\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0-7.lua"]:29: in function <...edia-3.0\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:25>
[string "@LibSharedMedia-3.0-8020003\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0-7.lua"]:64: in function `Fire'
[string "@WeakAuras\Libs\LibGetFrame-1.0\LibGetFrame-1.0-38.lua"]:161: in function <...s\WeakAuras\Libs\LibGetFrame-1.0\LibGetFrame-1.0.lua:153>
[string "@WeakAuras\Libs\LibGetFrame-1.0\LibGetFrame-1.0-38.lua"]:176: in function <...s\WeakAuras\Libs\LibGetFrame-1.0\LibGetFrame-1.0.lua:175>


opened #3755 for this issue unrelated to glows or actions

3x WeakAuras\WeakAuras-@[email protected]:3138: attempt to index field 'active_glows_hidefunc' (a nil value) [string "@WeakAuras\WeakAuras-@[email protected]"]:3138: in function <WeakAuras\WeakAuras.lua:3110> [string "=[C]"]: ? [string "@LibSharedMedia-3.0-8020003\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0-7.lua"]:29: in function <...edia-3.0\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:25> [string "@LibSharedMedia-3.0-8020003\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0-7.lua"]:64: in function `Fire' [string "@WeakAuras\Libs\LibGetFrame-1.0\LibGetFrame-1.0-38.lua"]:161: in function <...s\WeakAuras\Libs\LibGetFrame-1.0\LibGetFrame-1.0.lua:153> [string "@WeakAuras\Libs\LibGetFrame-1.0\LibGetFrame-1.0-38.lua"]:176: in function <...s\WeakAuras\Libs\LibGetFrame-1.0\LibGetFrame-1.0.lua:175>

fixed in 41afa99


@kenneth-wow can you test this change in WeakAuras\Libs\LibGetFrame-1.0\LibGetFrame-1.0.lua mrbuds/LibGetFrame@89a3d72 ?


Fyi @kenneth-wow next version of WeakAuras will include updated version of LibGetFrame-1.0 where i have disabled callback on UNIT_PET.
It could have lead to FPS issues for people with an UI having a very high number of frames.

You can turn on scan of frames on UNIT_PET with

local LGF = LibStub("LibGetFrame-1.0")