


Could be related with Tama's Drasgonflight Helper.

cgsub opened this issue ยท 1 comments



Well, buggrabber caught two errors pointing toward weakaura, error logs below.
I also posted on Tama's Drasgonflight Helper aura on wagio in case it's indeed related.

I suspect it is for it started spawned after installing this aura...

WeakAuras Version

Weakaura 5.3.3

World of Warcraft Flavor

Retail (Default)

Tested with only WeakAuras

  • Yes
  • No

Lua Error

here goes the two errors logs, the second one is particularly long...

first error:
1x Lua error in aura 'Rares Bar': Custom Action
WeakAuras Version: 5.3.3
Aura Version: 4.10.10
[string "return function() if aura_env.regions[aura_..."]:1: attempt to index field 'regions' (a nil value)
[string "return function() if aura_env.regions[aura_env.cloneId] then"]:1: in function <[string "return function() if aura_env.regions[aura_..."]:1>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `xpcall'
[string "@WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua"]:3594: in function `PerformActions'
[string "@WeakAuras/RegionTypes/RegionPrototype.lua"]:838: in function `Collapse'
[string "@WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua"]:4479: in function `UpdatedTriggerState'
[string "@WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua"]:4231: in function `func'
[string "@ArkInventory/Externals/Ace3/AceTimer/AceTimer-3.0-17.lua"]:57: in function <...rkInventory/Externals/Ace3/AceTimer/AceTimer-3.0.lua:50>

second error:
1x WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua:3277: attempt to index local 'region' (a nil value)
[string "@WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua"]:3277: in function `ReleaseClone'
[string "@WeakAuras/RegionTypes/RegionPrototype.lua"]:794: in function <...aceWeakAuras/RegionTypes/RegionPrototype.lua:770>
[string "@WeakAuras/RegionTypes/RegionPrototype.lua"]:840: in function `Collapse'
[string "@WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua"]:4479: in function `UpdatedTriggerState'
[string "@WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua"]:4231: in function `func'
[string "@ArkInventory/Externals/Ace3/AceTimer/AceTimer-3.0-17.lua"]:57: in function <...rkInventory/Externals/Ace3/AceTimer/AceTimer-3.0.lua:50>

id = "Ironfur_Bar"
cloneId = "74055"
regionType = "aurabar"
region = nil
(*temporary) = <table> {
 7281.685000 = Frame {
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = "attempt to index local 'region' (a nil value)"
clones = <table> {
 Swiftmend = <table> {
 Blackout Kick (Windwalker) = <table> {
 JCAB  = <table> {
 Soulshape_Monk = <table> {
 Exsanguinate = <table> {
 Slaughtering Strikes = <table> {
 Play_Dead = <table> {
 Radiant_Spark = <table> {
 Astral_Power = <table> {
 Blazing Barrier = <table> {
 [RLP] Cold Claws = <table> {
 Cyclone = <table> {
 Tiger's_Lust_Impulse = <table> {
 Potions_Hunter 2 = <table> {
 Icy_Veins = <table> {
 PvP_Mage_8 = <table> {
 Martial Prowess = <table> {
 Loaded_Dice = <table> {
 Racial_Traits_Warrior = <table> {
 Aspect_of_the_Cheetah = <table> {
 Herb LCAB = <table> {
 Call of the Wild = <table> {
 Challenging_Shout = <table> {
 IscAB 7 = <table> {
 Survival_Instincts 2 = <table> {
 Zen_Meditation = <table> {
 Saves_Monk = <table> {
 PvP_Mage_5 = <table> {
 Glacial_Spike = <table> {
 Racial_Traits_Monk = <table> {
 [NO] Storm Shock = <table> {
 Warrior_PvP4 = <table> {
 Saves_Hunter 2 = <table> {
 Sigil_of_Flame 2 = <table> {
 Fatality = <table> {
 Roll_the_Bones = <table> {
 Blade_Dance = <table> {
 PvP_Monk_3 = <table> {
 Guardian_Rage = <table> {
 Paralize = <table> {
 Wild_Mushroom = <table> {
 PvP_Monk_5 = <table> {
 Mage_Manabar = <table> {
 Glave_Tempest = <table> {
 Sprint = <table> {
 Commanding_Shout = <table> {
 Nature's_Swiftness = <table> {
 Astral_Communion = <table> {
 Pyroclasm = <table> {
 [HoV] Etch = <table> {
 Frozen_Orb = <table> {
 Cheat_Death = <table> {
 [CoS] Throw Torch = <table> {
 BloodLust_DH = <table> {
 Soul_Carver = <table> {
 Ironbark = <table> {
 Displacement = <table> {
 [CoS] Vampiric Claws = <table> {
 Charge = <table> {
 Icicle_4 = <table> {
 Skyreach = <table> {
 Warrior_PvP1 = <table> {
 Expel_Harm = <table> {
 Freeze = <table> {
 Spell_Reflect = <table> {
 Swiftmend_RA = <table> {
 Chaos Theory = <table> {
 Seeing Red = <table> {
 Icicle_5 = <table> {
 Arcane_Orb = <table> {
 Barkskin 2 = <table> {
 Oppressing Roar = <table> {
 Fury of Xuen  = <table> {
 Incarnation:Tree_of_Life = <table> {
 Meteor = <table> {
 Storm_Earth_and_Fire = <table> {
 Warrior_PvP8 = <table> {
 Efflorescence_Bar = <table> {
 Barkskin = <table> {
 Forbearance_Mage = <table> {
 Demon Soul = <table> {
 Find_Weaknesses = <table> {
 Solar_Eclipce = <table> {
 Consume_Magic = <table> {
 Spearhead = <table> {
 Travel_Form = <table> {
 Enchanting = <table> {
 Hunter_PVPT2 = <table> {
 Between_the_Eyes = <table> {
 Battle-Scarred Veteran = <table> {
 Lifecycles (Vivify) = <table> {
 Feral_Frenzy = <table> {
 Ring_of_Peace = <table> {
 Touch of Death (Windwalker) = <table> {
 Rewind = <table> {
 Mage_Mana(Fire_Frost) = <table> {
 Diffuse_Magic = <table> {
 Herbalism = <table> {
 Firestarter = <table> {
 Touch_of_Karma = <table> {
 Ray_of_Frost = <table> {
 Last_Stand = <table> {
 [SBG] Plague Spit = <table> {
 Potions_Hunter = <table> {
 Invoke Chi-ji, the Red Crane = <table> {
 Forbearance_Druid = <table> {
 Gore = <table> {
 Hunter_PVPT10 = <table> {
 Supernova = <table> {
 Racial_Traits_Hunter = <table> {
 Starweaver's Weft = <table> {
 Form_Boomie = <table> {
 Potions_Druid = <table> {
 Feral TF Thrash Snapshot = <table> {
 Saves_DH = <table> {
 Serenity  = <table> {
 [VoI] Aerial Buffet = <table> {
 Mighty_Bash = <table> {
 Predatory_Swiftness = <table> {
 Fire Breath = <table> {
 Steel_Trap = <table> {
 Ruby Embers = <table> {
 Berserker_Rage = <table> {
 Infernal_Strike = <table> {
 Aimed_Shot = <table> {
 Fists_Of_Fury = <table> {
 Refreshing_Jade_Wind = <table> {

Reproduction Steps

I have no idea,

First, I completed a LFR "The primal Bulwark"
When I came out, I was at the Trial of flood location and chest was Up someone started the event,

Then the two errors popped at about the final phase of Trial of flood.

Last Good Version

Weakaura 5.3.3



Export String

No response


We can't help fixing auras doing what we keep repeating them not to do.