


Error after updating WA today

Raynesis opened this issue · 5 comments



Opened WA and after clicking any of the items, an error pops up.
Also noticed at least 1 WA not working (did not show up during fight).

WeakAuras Version

WeakAuras 5.3.5

World of Warcraft Flavor

Retail (Default)

Tested with only WeakAuras

  • Yes
  • No

Lua Error

14x WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua:4810: attempt to concatenate a nil value
[string "@WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua"]:4810: in function `ReplacePlaceHolders'
[string "@WeakAuras/SubRegionTypes/SubText.lua"]:259: in function <WeakAuras/SubRegionTypes/SubText.lua:257>
[string "@WeakAuras/SubRegionTypes/SubText.lua"]:275: in function `Update'
[string "@WeakAuras/SubRegionTypes/SubText.lua"]:349: in function `SetVisible'
[string "local newActiveConditions = {};"]:203: in function `?'
[string "@WeakAuras/Conditions.lua"]:765: in function `RunConditions'
[string "@WeakAuras/RegionTypes/RegionPrototype.lua"]:739: in function <...aceWeakAuras/RegionTypes/RegionPrototype.lua:735>
[string "@WeakAuras/RegionTypes/RegionPrototype.lua"]:829: in function `Collapse'
[string "@WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua"]:4478: in function `UpdatedTriggerState'
[string "@WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua"]:4183: in function `FakeStatesFor'
[string "@WeakAuras/WeakAuras.lua"]:4164: in function `ClearFakeStates'
[string "@WeakAurasOptions/OptionsFrames/OptionsFrame.lua"]:191: in function <...dOns/WeakAurasOptions/OptionsFrames/OptionsFrame.lua:188>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `Hide'
[string "@FrameXML/UIParent.lua"]:3355: in function <FrameXML/UIParent.lua:3350>
[string "@Masque/Libs/AceConfig-3.0-3/AceConfigDialog-3.0-86/AceConfigDialog-3.0.lua"]:1846: in function <...nfig-3.0/AceConfigDialog-3.0/AceConfigDialog-3.0.lua:1845>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `securecall'
[string "@FrameXML/UIParent.lua"]:3393: in function `CloseWindows'
[string "@FrameXML/UIParent.lua"]:3410: in function <FrameXML/UIParent.lua:3408>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `securecall'
[string "@FrameXML/UIParent.lua"]:4059: in function `ToggleGameMenu'
[string "TOGGLEGAMEMENU"]:1: in function <[string "TOGGLEGAMEMENU"]:1>

textStr = "%standing"
region = Frame {
 SoundRepeatStop = <function> defined @WeakAuras/RegionTypes/RegionPrototype.lua:156
 iconSource = -1
 AnchorSubRegion = <function> defined @WeakAuras/RegionTypes/AuraBar.lua:741
 xOffset = -935
 desaturateIcon = false
 Expand = <function> defined @WeakAuras/RegionTypes/RegionPrototype.lua:843
 UpdateMinMax = <function> defined @WeakAuras/RegionTypes/AuraBar.lua:1254
 anchorPoint = "CENTER"
 iconFrame = Frame {
 icon = Texture {
 SetOffset = <function> defined @WeakAuras/RegionTypes/RegionPrototype.lua:280
 icon_color = <table> {
 enableGradient = false
 overlays = <table> {
 triggerProvidesTimer = false
 SendChat = <function> defined @WeakAuras/RegionTypes/RegionPrototype.lua:228
 SetInverse = <function> defined @WeakAuras/RegionTypes/AuraBar.lua:866
 toShow = false
 UpdateFrameTick = <function> defined @WeakAuras/RegionTypes/RegionPrototype.lua:393
 SetTime = <function> defined @WeakAuras/RegionTypes/AuraBar.lua:848
 Scale = <function> defined @WeakAuras/RegionTypes/AuraBar.lua:1358
 gradientOrientation = "HORIZONTAL"
 yOffset = 442
 states = <table> {
 bar = Frame {
 state = <table> {
 UpdateIcon = <function> defined @WeakAuras/RegionTypes/AuraBar.lua:940
 GetColor = <function> defined @WeakAuras/RegionTypes/AuraBar.lua:1045
 subRegionEvents = <table> {
 SetSparkHeight = <function> defined @WeakAuras/RegionTypes/AuraBar.lua:817
 scalex = 1
 Update = <function> defined @WeakAuras/RegionTypes/AuraBar.lua:1300
 SetOrientation = <function> defined @WeakAuras/RegionTypes/AuraBar.lua:882
 regionType = "aurabar"
 SetRegionHeight = <function> defined @WeakAuras/RegionTypes/AuraBar.lua:827
 SetIcon = <function> defined @WeakAuras/RegionTypes/AuraBar.lua:925
 relativePoint = "CENTER"
 0 = <userdata>
 iconVisible = false
 SoundPlay = <function> defined @WeakAuras/RegionTypes/RegionPrototype.lua:210
 OptionsClosed = <function> defined @WeakAuras/RegionTypes/RegionPrototype.lua:687
 GetMinMax = <function> defined @WeakAuras/RegionTypes/AuraBar.lua:1295
 zoom = 0
 SetIconColor = <function> defined @WeakAuras/RegionTypes/AuraBar.lua:803
 ReOrient = <function> defined @WeakAuras/RegionTypes/AuraBar.lua:965
 color_b = 0
 flipX = false
 alpha = 1
 color_r = 0
 SetXOffset = <function> defined @WeakAuras/RegionTypes/RegionPrototype.lua:289
 Color = <function> defined @WeakAuras/RegionTypes/AuraBar.lua:1031
 Collapse = <function> defined @WeakAuras/RegionTypes/RegionPrototype.lua:821
 SetBarColor2 = <function> defined @WeakAuras/RegionTypes/AuraBar.lua:1019
 RealClearAllPoints = <function> defined =[C]:-1
 GetRegionAlpha = <function> defined @WeakAuras/RegionTypes/RegionPrototype.lua:349
 Resume = <function> defined @WeakAuras/RegionTypes/RegionPrototype.lua:905
 RunCode = <function> defined @WeakAuras/RegionTypes/RegionPrototype.lua:235
 customTextFunc = <function> defined return function():1
 GetYOffset = <function> defined @WeakAuras/RegionTypes/RegionPrototype.lua:301
 SetAnimAlpha = <function> defined @WeakAuras/RegionTypes/RegionPrototype.lua:353
 Pause = <function> defined @WeakAuras/RegionTypes/RegionPrototype.lua:900
 SetOverlayColor = <function> defined @WeakAuras/RegionTypes/AuraBar.lua:956
 scaley = 1
 SetYOffsetRelative = <function> defined @WeakAuras/RegionTypes/RegionPrototype.lua:318
 SetRegionWidth = <function> defined @WeakAuras/RegionTypes/AuraBar.lua:823
 effectiveOrientation = "HORIZONTAL"
 SetGradientEnabled = <function> defined @WeakAuras/RegionTypes/Au

Reproduction Steps

  1. open WA by /wa
  2. Click any item
  3. Error pops up
  4. Some WA stops working, such as my Stormkeeper WA on my Shaman. (did not show up during fight)

Last Good Version

WeakAuras 5.3.4


No response

Export String

No response


+1 had the same thing last night


This is solved with 5.3.6


I am also being spammed by this. Seems to happen with a lot of my auras, difficult to pinpoint just one.


Please post your savedvariables so we can test with them


Yep, fixed after updating just now!