


Cost overlay on multiple progress textures with minimum/maximum progress not matching

Daragyon opened this issue ยท 1 comments



Using a group of Progress Textures for Warlock Soulshards, where there is a progress texture per soul shard.
When using the Overlay cost of cast function, the overlay is not matching with the minimum and maximum progress of each progress texture and therefore not giving the correct visual result of Soulshards being spent.
It seems that Overlay cost of Cast is being applied to each soul shard aura separately.
it seems that they show the overlaid cost based on Maximum Progress. This is why the 3rd 4th and 5th soul shard auras have increasing bigger areas without the cost overlay.

Seems to stem from the following according to other users: Every aura in the group is tracking the whole soul shard resource pool. When you set Minimum and Maximum progress you're just clipping the section of the bar that has the information that you want.

Desired result would be for the overlay cost of cast function to match with minimum and maximum progress on the

Below link to my weakauras which do use custom textures, but changing to default textures has the issues too.

WeakAuras Version

WeakAuras 5.4.4

World of Warcraft Flavor

Retail (Default)

Tested with only WeakAuras

  • Yes
  • No

Lua Error


Reproduction Steps

  1. Create (dynamic) group
  2. Create 5 progress textures
  3. Assign to each texture trigger: power, Soul Shards and power >= 0
  4. Assign to each individual texture, minimum and maximum progress 0-1, 1-2, 2-3, 3-4, 4-5
  5. Assign trigger option Overlay cost of casts

Last Good Version

Not that I can remember


image (2)
image (1)

Export String


Hi all, I'm not entirely sure if the commits to this are working as they should still.
e.g. Casting Chaosbolt on warlock costing 2 soul shards, Warlock currently has 3 soul shards out of 5 filled.
3 soul shards are shown as cost, rather than the 2 still
It looks like the maximum for the cost overlay calculation may still be off. as it is taking all active soulshards for the overlay.